my thoughts' coffeeflet

a sort of kludgy lodging place for my life

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

another jolly find

The reason Dieting Makes You Fat! is because it takes a whole pound of Godivas and a quart of milk to wash the taste of a single Slim-Fast drink out of your mouth.
(Michelle Argabrite)

There's no sense beating a dead horse -- but if you've reached the point where you even seriously consider that abusing a dead animal might improve your lot in life, I say go ahead and give it a shot.
(Anthony Myers)

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to call Domino's and you feed him for a lifetime -- AND he'll get free cheesy bread.
(Donald Junter)

[discovered on The Daily News.]

Monday, January 29, 2007

The reason why I check every now and then

Occasionally, I stumble on a gold mine. :)

(The groom is totally rocking the song.)

Sunday, January 28, 2007

a couple o' thoughts (I'm feeling Irish-ish)

Two thoughts that have occured to me, while going over old emails, notes, and memos from the past couple of years:

1) I'm generally a pushover and I do not possess much of a backbone.
2) My standards and expectations just might be a little *too* high. (Yes, I believe it is possible.)

Neither of these realizations create much self-confidence in moi-meme. On the one hand, I look at number one and feel like I don't know what I want enough to make a stand for it. On the other hand, I look at number two and feel like I know what I want too much...but I haven't stood for it.

Now what? :S

sunny day, chasin' the clouds away

You know you live in western Washington when the sun comes out, and, regardless of the 47 degree weather, you think it is a prime time to put on a tank top and a short skirt. Then, parading around in such attire, you end up turning blue and feeling not quite so warm as you wish you were in the first place. I guess all Washingtonians are delusional like that.

So I decided to be a typical Washingtonian. I got back to the dorm after church, talked with some of the girls, and one of them was wearing shorts--indoors, of course--and was all excited about the weather and such. Her excitement rubbed off, so I decided to follow her lead. I shaved my legs--it'd been awhile and I was starting to look very Bohemian--all the way, not just to above my knees, and then I slathered on some lotion. I feel quite nice about them now. I don't know what it is about shaved legs, but they certainly make me feel a little more put together. Plus, this way I'll pick up less static electricity. ;)

Anyway, I'm not so delusional that I want to go outside in my short skirt and tank top, but I'm enjoying the sun from inside my room. Maybe later, if I get homework done within a reasonable amount of time, I'll take a walk. I'm planning on going to church with some friends tonight, so I don't have tons of time, but we'll see what happens. In the meantime, I have a 250 word memoir piece to write, a quiz to study for, reading to do, and job applications to fill out.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Frailty, thou art mankind

I'm reading in Genesis--y'know, start at the very beginning, a very good place to start--and I just finished reading about all of the geneologies--more interesting to read when I'm older. Now I'm almost up to the Flood story with Noah and the evil surrounding him. (Dude, his own family had some issues too...)

Anyhow, as I was reading, I got a very different sense of the text from any that I had felt before. I'm reading in the NLT these days, and it's similar to the NIV, but different enough to get a different perspective. But I digress. The passage:

"The Lord observed the extent of human wickedness on the earth, and he saw that everything they thought or imagined was consistently and totally evil. So the Lord was sorry he had ever made them and put them on the earth. It broke his heart." Genesis 6:5-6 (Also titled "The World Gone Wrong." Fitting title, ain't it?)

For some reason, rereading the Bible starting in the Old Testament, I'm getting a better sense of the heart of God. I used to feel like God had a dichotomous spirit that somehow changed between the Old and New Testament covenants, but God is immutable. I'm starting to see that more.

I think another reason why I'm seeing this more is that my personal perspective of who God is and how He feels towards His creation is changing. I can't boast in saying that I know God--how can any one person truly know Him in this lifetime?--but at the same time, I know Him better than I used to, and I'm beginning to see how much He cares for me. I used to think, "God loves the world, but somehow His grace and compassion can't extend to me and what I've done." How arrogant of me to think that and to undermine God's authority over everything!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

disclaimer: this is not an uplifting audioblog

Gabcast! Quesse Lome blog #4 - late night contemplations

Why I wish I could have taken ballet

So that I could dance like this:

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I went to Pursuit tonight and felt like I was back to square one all over again. Yep, just when I think I've "arrived" spiritually, I feel like I've found the beginning of the circle and I get to go around again. It feels like the cycle is unending sometimes.

I texted one of my mentors in the midst of it, and mentioned these thoughts, asking if this process ever ended. She said no, which is what I expected her to say. I guess if I ever did arrive, it'd mean that I'd died, so I ought to be glad I'm not there yet.

Still, it can be frustrating to have gone through so much last week, even through parts of today, and to feel like I'm finally getting somewhere only to feel like I've gotten nowhere. She said it sounded like the devil was yanking my chain. I agree, and I started praying more at that point--ah, the key to all problem solving.

Later, as I was on my way to Safeway to grab some yogurt and an air freshener, I contemplated the image of the devil yanking on my chain, trying to draw some kind of analogy. I pictured a tiger--a massive, glossy cat, beautiful to behold, and very dangerous. I pictured it chained to a marble pillar by a smallish chain, and then thought of someone yanking on the chain and half-choking the tiger.

To me, I felt that the chain represented all of my humanity that comes between me and God. The tiger was the majestic and powerful creature that God intends me to be. The devil obviously fears who I can be in God--he fears all who strive to become who God intends them to be. Since there is nothing about God that can be used against me, the chain must be the warped perspectives and the selfish ideas that I have formed in my mind. They subdue the warrior within, but God wants me to be unfettered.

As much as I want to be unleashed into the world, I am so scared to actually step out and walk in God's victory. I know what He has done for me, and I desire this healing and restoration for others. How I go about letting go of my self and tucking in to God feels somewhat beyond me. In a lot of ways, I still feel very unprepared to face battle, but I wish I had the courage and the knowledge necessary to fight effectively. I know I'm already on the winning side.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Disney screwed with my head

Behold! My favorite Disney love song. Talk about a dream date, right? Magic carpet? Ancient wonders of the world? Wild horses? Starlight and clouds? Waterlilies on a pond? Sign me up! ;)

My favorite Disney reprise. The latter half of this song is the secret buried deep in my heart--to have adventures with someone special somewhere in this wonderful world that we live in.

Who doesn't like this song? I mean, come on...there's a rowboat and fireflies and fish spouting water and singing frogs and willows and...geez, what ISN'T in this song? However, it was movies like Little Mermaid--and many other Disney-esque cartoons--that fooled a young Bethany into believing in love happening within a very short period of time based solely on physical attraction.

Compare to this next video:

1965 "made for tv" Rodgers and Hammerstein Cinderella, later remade by Disney, featuring Brandy, Whitney Houston, and Bernadette Peters. Within a few short minutes of meeting each other, they spout lines like, "Do I love you because you're beautiful?" and "Do I want you because you're wonderful?" Sounds pretty, but there's not much there beyond, "Hey, you're hawt."

Back to the inner desires, and somewhat--but not fully--removed from "wuv, twue wuv," this clip is like Belle's reprise. It's a heart that dreams of unexpected adventure and glorious dreams coming true. God, I don't know how it's going to happen, but I want adventures! Is that selfish of me to ask for them?

*big sigh*

Seriously, for every girl who grew up on Disney films, we are really screwed up. I think it's because Disney played on every young girl's fantasy--to be loved, admired, fought for, and to be part of a great adventure--but they never knew when to stop. I don't know if these desires are unachievable. I don't think they're entirely impossible, but sometimes reality doesn't always match up.

I do know that I can (and am) loved and admired. I don't believe I've had to be fought for. Well, no, I take that back. I've been prayed for on numerous occasions for many reasons in hopes of my being rescued from a dark past that threatened to overpower my present life. And I am (and will be) part of a great adventure--it's called life!--that I will share with someone special. Wow...maybe Disney wasn't so far off after all!

and just when I thought life couldn't get better...

...Tyler came back from Thailand! :) Yes, the wandering adventurer has returned with many pictures, stories, explanations of Buddhism, and gifts--even gifts! I really wasn't expecting him to bring me anything--not that he's not that kind of guy, but I just don't expect gifts from people when they go places--so I was very surprised and delighted to see what he brought me.

He brought me two different bags--a girl can never have enough, right? One was woven in Tibet from yak (!) and sheep's wool, and the other is black and red and significantly fancier. I like them both--very Boho chic. ;) He also brought me a black skirt--which fits really cute (can hardly wait for him to see me in it)--and a string of lights with colored globes to go over them. I'm not sure what the material is that the globes are made out, but it's some kind of plant-like fiber. (How's that for my powers of deduction? ;) )

Although I love what he brought me, and I was intrigued to see the pictures and learn more about the trip, I'm far more overjoyed to have him back. I didn't miss him tons when he was gone--mostly because I was busy and knew that I couldn't talk with him due to internet scarcity in Chiang Mai--but the past few days got harder because I knew he was coming back soon. He called me this morning before church, and then--needless to say--I had the hardest time concentrating during the sermon. I should probably listen to it again to make sure I got all the main points!

As good as it was to have some time to grow on my own this past week and half-ish, it's good to have my best friend back. I missed him. (I think these various times of going our separate ways will be good for the future, however, when he goes off to China for his semester abroad.)

Jane's Rant

In honor of this last week's Screaming Eagle competition, here is the absolute best clip from Disney's Tarzan--our floor's theme.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

God is amazing

I have to admit, fasting for nearly a week now has been one of the best experiences of my life. It hasn't been easy, especially the first few days, but I feel closer to God. I don't know what exactly it is that's made this difference. I haven't been as proper at following the fast as I should have. (i.e. not praying all the time during meal times and using that time for other things) So logically, I shouldn't be feeling like this has been a success, but I do.

I feel like God has used this time to speak into me in ways that I never expected as results from the fast. I don't feel as fazed by the curveballs that have been thrown at me this week. Confused and wondering, but not overly emotional or psychotic. I'm at the point of saying, even if something totally crazy happens, "Y'know, I don't have control over what happens, and I'm okay with that. God, you've got it in control, I give it all up to you. You can handle it when I can't."

There's a part of me that wants to keep up this fast indefinitely, but I know that I'm not going to. As much as I would like to continue to see what happens next, I'm pretty sure my body will start to protest A LOT. (Plus food sounds really good right now. ;) ) At least I know that I can physically handle fasting. I used to be scared of it. Now, I know that if God calls me to another concentrated time of focus like this, I'll be able to endure.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Carrot Juice: It's of the Devil

I should never have bought carrot juice. There’s something about its flavor that makes my stomach revolt. Honestly, I find it a foul liquid that is better suited as a solidified baby food. Someone offered me carrot juice before, homemade, and I liked it then, but it was in a small glass and had other vegetable flavors mixed in so that it tasted more like V-8 and not so much like rabbit fodder and horse treats.

But this carrot juice, that came in a plastic bottle, tastes like liquid carrots, and I do not like carrots. There is something not very kosher about sweet vegetables. Fruits can be sugary, but vegetables should be salted and in soups—rich soups with animal broths and pastas—or cooked in some kind of casserole. Also, if one must eat carrots at all, they ought to be in the raw, “stick” form and served with ranch dressing. Otherwise, you’re left with mushy sweetness in a veggie side-dish.

Now about this juice—I can’t believe I’m still drinking it. It’s a muddy orange color, almost with a pinkish undertone. It looks like a mixture between Crayola vividness and sewage, especially inside a white plastic cup. Around the edges are little air bubbles—even oxygen wants to escape this stuff! Also, the color lightens on this outer rim to a dull pumpkin hue. I think if the color were different, it might be more appetizing. Then again, it’s still carrot juice.

I feel like I should be hopping across a meadow and wiggling my long ears and fluffy tail, but I don’t have either. Or maybe I should be prancing in my stall, tossing back my wild mane and whinnying for attention from the farmhands, but I don’t have hooves or a mane, and I certainly don’t want calloused men patting my velvet nose—also something I do not possess. But wait: oh yeah…I’m a human, and I should not be eating carrots at all, let alone any of its side products.

I suppose in its defense, the carrot juice would like to speak for itself. After all, since this is a metaphysical presentation on “how very much I despise carrot juice,” it should be able to voice its disgruntled self quite loquaciously. In one serving of eight fluid ounces, it contains seventy calories—that’s seventy more calories than its equivalent in water. Furthermore, there are one hundred and sixty milligrams of sodium and five hundred and twenty milligrams of potassium. The writer—that would be me—would like to point out that your body needs equal amounts of sodium and potassium for proper nerve firing.

There are fifteen grams of carbohydrates, only one gram of dietary fiber, and thirteen grams of sugar. Aha! Sugar is bad for you, and this explains its yucky taste. Only two grams of protein don’t make this a balanced juice at all. There is no vitamin C, only four percent of the calcium and iron required for a daily diet, but seven hundred percent of the daily recommended intake of vitamin A. Basically, after drinking this sludge, I will be able to see through walls, but at least it will not be a result of genetically modified vegetables—as this particular juice does not come from mutant plants.

Why do health nuts drink carrot juice? Honesly, I don’t know. I think their title speaks plainly enough. They’re cannibals. (Nuts and carrots are roughly similar, aren’t they?) And let’s face the music, folks: if you’re a cannibal, you’re crazy enough to consume carrot juice. Everything about it—from its unnatural color to its excessive vitamin content—screams “UNHEALTHY!” and “I will kill you slowly from the inside out but you will be so enthralled by your new powers of vision that you will never notice that your nerves are misfiring and you’re throwing yourself into an epileptic fit, powered by my excessive sugar!”

And yet, I’m still drinking it. Why oh why, my readers are probably wondering. Why is she drinking something that is so blatantly bad for her health? I’ll tell you why: I paid for it, and I can’t bear to have wasted my money on something that should have been good for my body. Instead, I will continue to drink it until it is gone. I refuse to buy it again. (I do, as you can see, still maintain a certain standard when it comes to beverages.) However, if you’re ever alone outside on a dark night and you see two eyes glowing in the darkness, do not fear: it is only my superpowered carrot nightvision.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

I will admit to Star Wars fandom



Why do I go through these periods (haha...quite literally in many senses) on a monthly basis? It seems that hand-in-hand with pms, I get agitated in a variety of ways. I feel like I need to fix things, I feel restless, it's really the only time of the month that I'm motivated to attempt change in my life. It's not usually something huge, sometimes it's just a temporary adjustment.

This time around, I'm in the midst of several applications, all potentially life-changing, and I--as usual--was stressing about them. Stress came even more heavily because I'm pms-ing, and then panic set in, so it was not good. (Also, Tyler left for Thailand Thursday morning, and it's harder than I thought not to have my best friend around. [More on this later.]) So everything sort of hit the fan during chapel Friday morning and I decided that I needed to take things up a level. I'm busting out the big guns and going on a weeklong fast.

I've never fasted in my life.

Needless to say, it's been an experience so far. I'm not really hungry, actually. I have moments, but only the first day was a little difficult. The hunger pains made me suspect appendicitis for awhile, but they passed. I've been drinking juice--and punch at the wedding yesterday, and I was a little suspect of that, but the friend I was with insisted that I drink it so that I didn't pass out (wasn't going to happen, but I do appreciate the concern)--and water, and it's been interesting. I had a bit of a headache yesterday, but I slept a lot last night and I feel fine.

Originally, I was going on this fast for prayerful guidance as I filled out my RA application for next year, continued to fill out my application for my trip to China (don't know when that will happen!), and prayed for wisdom and commitment to my convictions. (That area has majorly slipped, regained footing, slipped, regained a lot recently and I'm tired of the back and forthness.)

The fast has definitely been a help while filling out the application. The extra prayer and focus has enabled me to auto-edit as I answer the various essay questions. (It's a good thing I can write semi-well or this would have immediately turned me off from applying! Maybe I should make that suggestion when I go through the process...? Maybe I'll wait on that.)

Primarily, I think this fast is teaching me about commitment. I committed to a week long fast. Yesterday, when I was surrounded by good food smells, I began thinking to myself, "Well, I'll just keep the fast for as long as it takes to fill out the RA application, then it'll be fine. I didn't really make a deal with God..." Then I stopped myself and frowned (inwardly, as that would have been strange at a reception). Why was I willing to compromise myself before God? Maybe the initial reason for the fast will be over before the fast is over, but there is so much more that can be learned, and there are so many more reasons to maintain the fast--so much to pray about!--that it would be foolish to end a commitment early.

All this to say, I'm keeping my fast for a week.

In other news, Tyler is in Thailand. He flew out Thursday morning and had very long flights there. No adverse side effects of jet lag going, which means he's going to be a bear coming back this way. (I'm so glad I don't live with him! ;) It will be interesting to see how he reacts coming back this direction. I'll have to learn how to deal with his stress level better. Learning opportunity!!!!) They flew into Bangkok first, but couldn't check email until they made it to Chiang Mai. So finally this morning--way too early, I'm glad I didn't stay up to wait for the email--got a general message to know that they're safe and sound. I'm not expecting anything till next weekend, so it's good to know that he's still alive.

Anyhow, I need to get offline and get ready for church. Hopefully the roads aren't too icy and I make it there on time. PLUS: there's a QFC next door and Odwalla juice sounds delightful right now.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

it's finally here

I finally got my act together and posted the file about my Chad trip. FYI: it's long.


Friday, January 12, 2007

I can do this, and God's gonna help me

I decided to start to fast today. After all the crazy emotions that I've been experiencing and the spiritual commitments that I've been making and breaking, I figured it was time to bust out the big guns. I'm feeling too wishy washy and I know that I'm on the brink of something big in my life. I'm a little scared to see what it is, but I'm more frustrated with staying where I'm at or going backwards to be worried about it forever.

As I was filling out my RA application, I was seeing how time and again, God has been faithful to walk me through some pretty extraordinary experiences. And I'm still alive and moving forwards into good stuff He's promised, so that in itself speaks volumes. Really, I didn't realize how much these circumstances built on each other to lead me to some serious testing and self-examination. All of that was really hard to go through, but I'm thankful for having gone through it because the product at the end--who I am now--is so much different and much better than who I used to be. I'm growing into the woman God intends for me to be, and I like that it's actually possible for that to happen!

In chapel today, they talked about depression. I didn't realize how big of a deal it was to me until I started crying. I guess once you experience it, you will always hurt for those who struggle with it, which, in some ways, is good. It means that I can relate to people and help them walk through it since they'll know that it is actually possible to recover. Something very powerful that was mentioned was how Jesus, on the cross, cried out, "My God, why have you forsaken me?" He said that so that we would never have to. Wow. So often I don't even begin to realize how much Jesus experienced humanity like us.

A separate thought that I had during chapel was about my struggle with pornography/masturbation. It's something that I was confident that I'd put behind me, and then my overconfidence was my downfall at the end of last semester. Then again at the beginning of this semester. So I was asking God why I was tempted so much again when for nearly a year, I'd been able to shrug off the temptation when it did arise. Thought scribbled in the margin of my journal: "Did I stop getting tempted because I couldn't resist at that point? Is this now God's way of showing me that I can resist temptation?"

It says in the Bible that we will never be tempted with more than we can handle, and I think that rings true in this situation. I've grown a lot over the last year, from when I first began to leave the addiction behind--painful, disappointing process! After the initial withdrawal faded, I felt homefree. Temptation came, but it was never strong, and I would briefly consider, think, "no thanks," and move on with life. And all of a sudden: BAM! But I think there's more at stake here than this issue. The devil doesn't want me anywhere near the plans that God has for me--whatever they are, but they make me excited!--and I know that when I screw up spiritually, I get so down on myself that I refuse any good thing that comes up afterwards. So perhaps, this is more than just "run of the mill" temptation and is on a bigger scale than I think. I'll keep this in mind and see what happens next. (This is another reason for the fast.)

And I'm really tired right now, probably a mix of low blood sugar and having cried a lot today.

*deep breath*

I'm currently filling out an RA application for the upcoming year. I have a lot of doubts in my mind about the end results. I don't think I have much of a chance of becoming an RA with the past that I have and with how recently I've been dealing with these issues. I really want to be an RA. I want to have the opportunity to lead the girls around me and to help them reach their potential, but I just don't see how it's going to come to pass.

So please pray for this process. I don't want to be chosen on account of the family I come from or because of financial circumstances or any other poor reason. If I become an RA, I want it to be because God has that in His plans for me and for the girls that I'll be influencing in the upcoming year.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


I think I'm going to boycott every formal event until I get married. Even then, I think I'm going to make my wedding dress be white linen. I'm sick of spending an arm and a leg on clothing. I don't need any more of it, and I especially am not fond of spending $100 (or thereabouts) on one single dress. It's not worth it. Plus, I don't even like shopping for clothing because nothing ever fits my body shape like I wish it would. Or, I just don't have the patience to try on every item in every store to find the perfect outfit.

Therefore, I'm desiring to boycott Evening this year. Furthermore, I have a strange desire to boycott any plans to celebrate the one year mark with Tyler, unless it involves non-dressy clothing--like a hike. I can't afford anything new, but I want it to be special. This blog probably sounds incredibly superficial and not even worth the effort to write, but in my defense, I'm pmsing and this is probably just a reflection of that. Furthermore, I am very tired and my second half is currently partway over the Pacific.

I changed my mind. I just tried on one of my dresses and I still really like it. Disaster has been averted. (I still don't want to buy a really expensive dress for Evening. Maybe I can borrow someone's dress...?)

Monday, January 08, 2007

no compromise

I've been sensing this since the middle of break, when I finally took the time to evaluate my spiritual life--crappy--and to realize that where I was heading was not where I wanted to go, but tonight was the night that truly captured the desire to change, to make a stand, and to not look back. (Run on sentences are okay when one is tired and emotionally spent...but spiritually satiated--for now. :) )

Yesterday at church, P. Eric spoke about excuses. I decided I didn't want to make excuses for my lousy insides--that spill out into my actions/behaviors--anymore. This morning, The Don spoke about integrity and not compromising one's morals. Tonight, the speaker at Pursuit talked about compromise, but he shared a very vivid vision about how God sees compromise in His people.

Before Pursuit, I had written an email to a friend--and the Pursuit student leader--about my testimony. I'd contacted him about it last semester, but after break, I felt like my testimony was shot, useless. I felt like a broken failure with nothing valid to say. So I discussed that in the email. Afterwards, I went to a brainstorm session concerning the women's conference coming up this semester. I was already emotional from confessing and expressing my concerns about my testimony, and discussing how we can effectively restore women on campus through this conference kept up the emotional churning. We ended the meeting in prayer--always a good thing.

At Pursuit, everything came together. I feel like I felt last year when God confirmed my call to missions. I remembered that I can't live for myself. I live for God, to be pure and blameless in His grace. He bought my life with His blood--how can I refuse to give my life to Him? On a daily basis, I give Him less than He deserves.

So I'm choosing to give my life back to Him. (It seems that I rededicate my life a lot...probably a lot less than I ought to!) I'm doing so because I know that God has great plans for my life--not just good ones. I know that He plans to use me as a very effective tool to reach people. I know that in my own strength and efforts, none of that can happen. And since I desire people to truly, intimately know God, I can't stand in the way anymore.

I'm giving up myself to God. I'm not going to compromise anymore. The devil will attack me, and I know that it's not going to be easy. But I know that God wants so much more for me than what I can ever imagine. I know that I'm on the winning side, and I know that God will not forsake me in hardship.

I'm sick of trying. I'm going to do.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

visits to Tinseltown and Dogtown

I didn't realize I hadn't blogged in such a long time and that I left people hanging with no reason as to why I stopped blogging. I did not die, but I did exit the realm of cyberspace for awhile. I went home for the holidays--home being Chad, Africa--and the best connection speed I got was 54 Kbps. The worst--and more common connection speed--was 14.4 Kbps. Insane. Obviously, internet activity was limited to emails about once a day--sometimes twice. But I am currently back in the US, in California for my last week of Christmas break. I head back up to Washington Saturday morning, and Tyler will be picking me up. I'm so excited!!!!

But that is not my full purpose of blogging. (Side note: I'm still suffering from jetlag.) Today I headed up to see some sights here in southern California. I've never been to Hollywood, so I finegled (sp?) my sister and brother-in-law to take me there. It was fun. :) We walked down a significant section of the Walk of Fame on Hollywood Boulevard, passing the Kodak Theatre, Grauman's Chinese, and El Capitan. I kept hoping we'd pass a drag queen and I could beg the tourist and ask for a photo, but no such luck. We did pass a bunch of people in movie costumes, and some very persistent limo tour drivers, but that was pretty chill.

After Hollywood, we headed for the beach. I have never been to Venice Beach, so that's where we headed. We were relatively close anyway. To explain for those who know nothing about Venice Beach: this is the eccentric beach that is well known for its drug culture. I didn't see much to scream "potheads chill here" except for the stores that sold bongs, I mean, "water pipes used only for tobacco" and a few t-shirts with marijuana leaf emblems. I saw more drug paraphernalia in Amsterdam, hands down.

Other tidbits about Venice Beach: this is where most beach scenes in movies are filmed. That's what Gwen said, and I didn't believe her, but then we were walking along and all of a sudden, I stopped and drew a box in the air to frame the scene to our left. "That's in every movie!" I exclaimed. Seriously, it is. :) Also, along the boardwalk is "Muscle Beach" where all of these insane weightlifters work out. (The infamous Arnold did in the old days...y'know, before he became the Governator.) Didn't see any huge guys there, which was my second photo op disappointment of the day. No drag queens, no real life incredible hulks. Tisk tisk tisk.

So we walked up the boardwalk, glancing at the tourist traps, I mean "souvenir shops" and got some food before walking over to the beach to eat. Pizza tastes good even when you're being surrounded by ravenous flocks of seagulls who like to reenact scenarios from Hitchcock films. After we ate, I tried to preemptively strike at my brother-in-law because he'd sworn he was going to flip both my sister and me in the sand at least some time during our visit. I failed. Dude, the guy's over 250 and a football player. With over 100 lbs difference between us, I didn't stand a chance!

I ran at him and shoved, and he just stood there. Of course, he didn't just stand there for long. Oh no. He quickly came after me, and I quickly turned and ran screaming away, but my escape attempt was unsuccessful. After a very brief tussle, I was flipped to the ground--hard. I think I have wiplash. As I was rolling away to try to hurry out of the line of fire, Kenn decided to drop sand on me. I now--still--have sand in my...well, if I was being polite, I'd say it was in my pants. To be more precise, I have sand in my a**. I only employ that word because it accurately represents my annoyance with the itching and chafing. Curse big brothers! At least the same thing happened to Gwen, so I feel a little better. :)

Anyhow, we walked back to the car on the beach, and then hit traffic on the way back to Grandma's house. But as I am still jetlagged, I napped through the traffic. :)

Last thing: while I was in Chad, I could not blog about the adventures, but I kept a journal on my computer about the events. I think when I get back to school, I'll upload that file to my website and post a link for those interested in reading.

Until next time!