my thoughts' coffeeflet

a sort of kludgy lodging place for my life

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Disney screwed with my head

Behold! My favorite Disney love song. Talk about a dream date, right? Magic carpet? Ancient wonders of the world? Wild horses? Starlight and clouds? Waterlilies on a pond? Sign me up! ;)

My favorite Disney reprise. The latter half of this song is the secret buried deep in my heart--to have adventures with someone special somewhere in this wonderful world that we live in.

Who doesn't like this song? I mean, come on...there's a rowboat and fireflies and fish spouting water and singing frogs and willows and...geez, what ISN'T in this song? However, it was movies like Little Mermaid--and many other Disney-esque cartoons--that fooled a young Bethany into believing in love happening within a very short period of time based solely on physical attraction.

Compare to this next video:

1965 "made for tv" Rodgers and Hammerstein Cinderella, later remade by Disney, featuring Brandy, Whitney Houston, and Bernadette Peters. Within a few short minutes of meeting each other, they spout lines like, "Do I love you because you're beautiful?" and "Do I want you because you're wonderful?" Sounds pretty, but there's not much there beyond, "Hey, you're hawt."

Back to the inner desires, and somewhat--but not fully--removed from "wuv, twue wuv," this clip is like Belle's reprise. It's a heart that dreams of unexpected adventure and glorious dreams coming true. God, I don't know how it's going to happen, but I want adventures! Is that selfish of me to ask for them?

*big sigh*

Seriously, for every girl who grew up on Disney films, we are really screwed up. I think it's because Disney played on every young girl's fantasy--to be loved, admired, fought for, and to be part of a great adventure--but they never knew when to stop. I don't know if these desires are unachievable. I don't think they're entirely impossible, but sometimes reality doesn't always match up.

I do know that I can (and am) loved and admired. I don't believe I've had to be fought for. Well, no, I take that back. I've been prayed for on numerous occasions for many reasons in hopes of my being rescued from a dark past that threatened to overpower my present life. And I am (and will be) part of a great adventure--it's called life!--that I will share with someone special. Wow...maybe Disney wasn't so far off after all!


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