my thoughts' coffeeflet

a sort of kludgy lodging place for my life

Thursday, January 18, 2007

God is amazing

I have to admit, fasting for nearly a week now has been one of the best experiences of my life. It hasn't been easy, especially the first few days, but I feel closer to God. I don't know what exactly it is that's made this difference. I haven't been as proper at following the fast as I should have. (i.e. not praying all the time during meal times and using that time for other things) So logically, I shouldn't be feeling like this has been a success, but I do.

I feel like God has used this time to speak into me in ways that I never expected as results from the fast. I don't feel as fazed by the curveballs that have been thrown at me this week. Confused and wondering, but not overly emotional or psychotic. I'm at the point of saying, even if something totally crazy happens, "Y'know, I don't have control over what happens, and I'm okay with that. God, you've got it in control, I give it all up to you. You can handle it when I can't."

There's a part of me that wants to keep up this fast indefinitely, but I know that I'm not going to. As much as I would like to continue to see what happens next, I'm pretty sure my body will start to protest A LOT. (Plus food sounds really good right now. ;) ) At least I know that I can physically handle fasting. I used to be scared of it. Now, I know that if God calls me to another concentrated time of focus like this, I'll be able to endure.


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