I've never been super patriotic about being American--let's face it, I grew up elsewhere--but there's something kind of wholesome about a day on which we celebrate our independence and freedom. Granted, I have no idea what it was actually like to be one of those early American colonists, but I can understand desiring freedom. After all, if we did not live in a free-ish country, I would feel, well, like this:

So freedom is one of those qualities that I greatly appreciate in America, particularly, freedom of expression. (see Fig. 1)

Fig. 1
Freedom is one of those underrated qualities that America still possesses. (Yes, yes, I know our freedoms are being gradually taken from us by the bastard politicians. So sue them litigiously.) Still, the fact that I can write that and not fear imprisonment is pretty cool. Let's face it, there are still places *coughCHADcough* where basic newspapers are banned. Doesn't matter if they're reporting the truth or vindictive lies, they won't get printed without governmental retribution.

Now, I'm not saying that America is perfect, and I'm not saying that I'm one of those crazy patriotic folks who wear American flags emblazoned on oversized tee shirts with red white and blue matching accessories. (see Fig. 2 of indoctrinated children)

Fig. 2
However, I am, even if I'm not "proud" to be an American, at least grateful for this nation. And, I will admit to needling my British and Canadian friends in high school over the holiday. My British roommate Philippa, bless her soul, put up with my bragging one day out of the year to gloat over the dirty Yankee scoundrels (her words, not mine) beating the regimentals. She might have even looked like this:

Only without the goatee...
Well, anyway, today--technically, yesterday--happened to be the 4th of July. I slept in late due to scrapbooking into the wee hours of the morning, but it was an enjoyable day. We headed down to the waterfront to a friend's place where there were tons of people, lots of good potlucked foods like "funeral potatoes"--family joke--and pea salad, and fresh seafood. When I say fresh, I mean taken from their own crab pots. There was also coffee in the boathouse.

Can I just say that I love my family and am so glad that my sister and brother-in-law just moved back from NYC? I mean, come on, who can hate people like this:

Besides, we do fabulous duck faces and impersonations...

Sad duck

Angry duck

Angelina duck

This is not a duck...

Wide-eyed innocent country duck

Magnum and Blue Steel ducks

And scared ducks.
Yeah, my family is nuts...I love them. :) Just be glad we never ended up taking our "lotus with ten petals" picture like we were thinking about doing after leaving the bbq. (Hint: it involves a reverse picture from the one of us all looking down at the camera.)
And speaking of the lotus with ten petals...so my sister had to fart at the bbq today--don't worry, I got her permission before I blogged the story--and in order to mask the sound, she sat down on a chair with a cushion. Again, don't judge; everyone farts. Even the stodgiest dowager farts--she'll just never own up to it.
So right as she's "breaking wind," someone sets off a bottle rocket in the next yard, and at first, she was all, "Good grief! Is that me?!" Later, when she recounted the story back at the house, I couldn't stop laughing. Maybe you had to be there...

Gratuitious picture of my crazy dad and me!

I think Kenn was anticipating a fire from all the rockets a little early in the evening...
Happy 4th! :)