my thoughts' coffeeflet

a sort of kludgy lodging place for my life

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

*feline shriek*

Okay, so earlier today I was in a serious "touch me and you'll die" kind of mood. Seriously, I was about ready to attack one of my coworkers with a xacto knife (or however you spell that) because I was kind of distracted and he'd touch me on the shoulder to get my attention. It wasn't inappropriate touching by any means, but it was just that I didn't want to be touched by ANYONE today. Seriously. I would've bit off my mom's head today if she'd attempted to hug me.

This only means one thing: I'm really evil to the core. *sigh*

Anyhow, later in the afternoon, the manager cracked open a bag of dark chocolate wafers and shared them amongst us five. Pretty much lifted my sour mood and I was practically purring with contentment.

This only means one thing more: I'm halfway addicted to chocolate and must have needed a fix.

Also, even though we were very busy today at work, I was still getting bored. There are only so many returns a person can figure out and box and label and organize before one's brains start melting from one's nostrils. There was a veritable puddle of grey matter congealing on the floor by the end of the day. So when my manager announced that she needed to go to the post office to mail all of the returns that I have packaged, I suggested that she might need a cohort to help unload and bring it in. She condescended to allow me to come along. I jumped at the opportunity to leave the bookstore. There's only so much of books I can take in one day...and today's limit was a lot shorter than it usually is.

This also means one thing: doesn't, but I feel the need for a repetitive pattern

Anyhow, we stood in line at the post office for a little over an hour...but had a delightful chat. I texted my roommate about my opinion on loafers--I don't understand the thinking that went into them--and we joked around with Hector, the mail guy. Really, everyone who works at that post office is super rad. They're great. :)

This can mean only one thing: the comment about going "postal" did not originate from them

This evening, after work, my two male coworkers--yeah, chillin' with the guys!--and I ordered pizza--the 5-5-5 deal is amazing--and watched Chronicles of Narnia on the big screen in the team room. Shh...don't tell! It was fun. We got a running commentary about all of the back story and the creative efforts that went into the film from Evan, the Narniac. :) It was fun. We're planning on doing another movie night again during the summer. Hey, when a meal for the three of us costs less than $20 AND we get entertainment? Look no further!

This only means one thing: that movie theatres are laughing their butts off every time another consumer buys a ticket and/or food

Anyhow, now I'm back in my room, enjoying internet--I take it for granted so often--and needing to work on the big TESL project due Friday. An entire unit plan--10 hours of class time--and so much to do.

This only means one thing: I shall die before I turn it in

Final note about the day...someone mentioned my "beau" in Alaska today, and that started this huge discussion on how in African American lingo that means something totally different. So we got online--the almighty Google god--and looked up a slang dictionary. This provided endless hours of amusement for us all. Here it is, if you're interested.

This can really only mean one thing: for sheezy, this chassy's gotta navigate!


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