my thoughts' coffeeflet

a sort of kludgy lodging place for my life

Friday, June 09, 2006

java jolt

As you may have noticed from previous entries, I got very little sleep last night. I went to bed at 7am and woke up at 8:30...well, okay, I snoozed until 9am and was sorely tempted to "sleep through" my alarm. But I resisted the sinful urges of my tainted flesh and managed to drag my sorry carcass from my o-so-comfortable cocoon of a bed. I like my bed maybe a little too much...

I haven't pulled an all-nighter like this (okay, so it's not technically an all night since I managed a nap in there) since the end of spring semester. I forgot how much I hated them. I ought to make myself a sign and post it somewhere in my room that says: "All-nighters suck. You're going to a Christian university in order to avoid that hungover feeling." Seriously, when you wake up in the morning and you can't walk straight, or your entire body is jittery from a much-needed adrenaline rush, it's a sign that you should still be sleeping.

All this to say, I drank some much needed coffee this morning. It's lasted me, but now that it's gone, I've turned to Pepsi for the next caffeine kick. Also a bad sign when you MUST imbibe caffeine laden beverages in order to function as a normal human being. Oddly enough, even though I feel almost sick to my stomach from having not slept, I actually feel better emotionally today than I felt all week. (I still have poor grammar however...this from an English major who's going to teach others English professionally...yikes.)

In other news, my parents are finally going to be meeting my boyfriend's dad today. Busy people have a hard time getting together--and both of our parents are busy people. Ironically, I am not worried about this meeting at all. I think it'll be good. It's a sort of blessing/curse. If it goes well, I'm going to take it as just that much more confirmation from God that this relationship is right. If it goes poorly, well, I'll take it the other way, and even though that'd suck like nothing else--I don't even want to think about that right now--I would take the appropriate measures. And I know that Tyler would as well. After all, if God tells you to do something, you'd best do it to avoid foolish troubles later. (Trust me, I know from so much personal experience that this is true!)


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