my thoughts' coffeeflet

a sort of kludgy lodging place for my life

Friday, June 09, 2006


I have my research done. YES! And it's only 3:20am. That's all. No need for sleep tonight. After all, tomorrow is Friday. Shorter work day, I'm going home for the weekend, I can recover then. So I'm feeling accomplished. Because although it's insanely early in the morning, I didn't start going over my research until maybe an hour ago. Hehehe...yeah, I'm a super slacker. (I REALLY NEED TO WORK ON THIS)

In related news, the more I learn about China, the more I want to go there. I've never been to the Asian continent, which is downright tragical when one realizes that I've spent nearly my entire life overseas and a good deal of that time was spent in various sojournings to and fro over the face of the planet. Anyhow, I'm very glad that I may have the opportunity to work in China next summer, using my TESL classes that I've taken this summer. We'll see how things fall together. :)

[6:30am edit: I've read more into my research now, and according to this one book's perspective on Chinese culture, I ought to fit in well. I already have a lot of TCK tendencies that set me apart in the US, but would enable me to blend--to some extent--within the Chinese culture. Obviously I'm going to stand out no matter what I do...]

In this unrelated story, I kept having random anxiety attacks today. No, they were not debilitating, but I could not stop my heart from pounding wildly. Also, my stomach was churning in that sickening way of, "Something horrible is happening, but I don't know what" way. I've felt these sensations before at various times in my life, but it wasn't until this evening when I was describing it to Ty that he suggested it was an anxiety attack. It sucked. Sucked hardcore enough for me to start crying...but what else is new in the emotional life of this one? :P

Anyhow, my bread for my sandwich is toasted...and I'm hungry.


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