my thoughts' coffeeflet

a sort of kludgy lodging place for my life

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

yippy skippy

So I'm teaching my first activity in TESL practicum tomorrow. (Yipes!) I'm excited to get to do it, but I'm a little scared too. What if I talk too fast or too quietly? What if I don't simplify the concepts enough? I'm glad that Dr. K will be there to correct me if I'm about to run off a cliff and take out five ESL students with me.

The activity that I'm doing involves introducing new vocabulary concerning fields of study--sociology, botany, philosophy. I need to introduce the vocab, have an in-class activity, then give homework too. (Gee whilikers, I feel like a REAL teacher!) So I decided that for the in-class activity, to match up pictures that relate to the field. I was going to have a matching activity between the word and its definition, but using pictures instead of definitions is probably a better way to grasp the concept. I mean, come on. How many native English speakers can define sociology accurately?

For the homework, I'm going to use a sort of fill-in-the-blank activity using phrases that say a person's interest, followed by a sentence that says "So-and-so should study________". Okay, it's still a work in progress. It doesn't sound all that exciting to non-TESL people, but let me tell you, when you're learning a language, it's easier to learn when it's FUN. So... :P

Oh, and while I was looking up pictures to use for the matching exercise, I stumbled on the following pic under "anthropology":


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that baby does NOT look happy...AND really white...

10:15 PM  

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