my thoughts' coffeeflet

a sort of kludgy lodging place for my life

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

early morning

On a day set aside to celebrate love, I decided to start it off the best way that I could think of to celebrate it. I woke up early, headed down to the waterfront, and spent some quality time with the lover of my soul. (Cheesy? I think not!) It was quiet, it was peaceful, and it was God and me.

It's been awhile since He and I spent some focused time together--my fault, and I accept that completely--so it felt a little stilted at first. I didn't know where to read in my Bible. I was in Genesis, but I wasn't really feeling it, so I went to the Psalms and...well, still didn't know where to start, so I just started with the first psalm.

I read and journaled a little. The most fitting find:

"Because of your unfailing love, I can enter your house; I will worship at your Temple with deepest awe." Psalm 5:7 (NLT)

Lately, I've been struggling with feelings of incapability/insecurity--they play off each other--and one of the reasons why I had been staying away from God was that I was feeling unworthy to come to Him. When I read this, there was the subtle reminder that I can't--in and of myself--approach God. Only because of His unfailing love can I do so. For that, I am so thankful that I really don't have the words to express myself.

Unconditional, unfailing love? Sign me up!

PS. My parents just sent me a text message. How much better can this day get?
PPS. My wonderful friends who help steer me straight: I love you :)
PPPS. How ironic is it that I'm listening to "O Happy Day" right now?


Blogger grackyfrogg said...

thanks for the wellness wishes! i'm actually feeling way better than yesterday...

and happy valentine's day to you! sounds like you've got the right idea! :)

2:54 PM  

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