my thoughts' coffeeflet

a sort of kludgy lodging place for my life

Sunday, November 19, 2006

why am I still up? why? why?

I'll tell you why! Because I had the world's worst headache--at least for awhile--and that just about killed me a few hours ago, but then once it passed, I couldn't fall asleep. I was practically asleep, but then my head hurt horribly, and the muscles in my neck and face felt like they were constricting--even though they were relaxed--and there was pain. Lots of pain. I felt like I'd been dealt a thorough fonging...

Also, on a side note, I should never have downloaded "jewel quest" to my phone. It's addicting enough online...why did I allow myself a portable version?!

So now I'm awake, and I had a darn good thing I was going to say, but that thought has obviously passed and I am now reduced to rambling thoughts yet again. One day I'll get this blogging thing down and my readers will flock to me like monkeys to mango trees. (Aha! My memory is triggered.)

What I was going to say forever ago had to do with Chad, as I will be returning there in about a month. I'm so excited to be going home! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! :) Unfortunately, what triggered my memory about returning to Chad is not particularly pleasant. I was visiting the Chad News Page and discovered an interesting tidbit about recent occurrences in Chad. The government imposed a national curfew from dusk till dawn--roughly 6pm to 6am. Typically, curfews don't bode well.

Other times that curfews--and their like--have been applied have been when people like Muammar Qadhafi visit. Of course, when I say "visit," I mean "driving across the desert from the north with a military entourage full of helicopters and tanks in order to potentially muscle his way into Chadian affairs, particularly to gain control of the Tibesti mountains which, by the way, are full of minerals like uranium." Ahem. I apologize for my fingers running away with me. Occasionally, my bitterness towards world affairs--in particular PSYCHOTIC DICTATORS--shows through my typically pleasant exterior.

But that's in the past--Qadhafi, anyway. The curfew thing, well, it could be good or bad. I'm a little concerned with the punishment for civilians found outdoors after dark. What's the government planning on doing to them? Are they going to "disappear?" (That's happened before too...usually with those who have disappeared reappearing in the river.) Is this meant as a safety measure for the civilians, in order to protect them from the rebels?

I feel like such a hippy, but so often I wonder why we can't all get along. I mean, really, people. No one person is better than another. No one tribe/ethnicity/nationality/etc is that much better than another. So can we please stop killing each other?


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