my thoughts' coffeeflet

a sort of kludgy lodging place for my life

Sunday, November 05, 2006



The Walking Contagion still lives. However, I believe this is largely due to the fact that she did NOT drive over to PO yesterday and instead went to the doctor who prescribed antibiotics for her sinus infection. This may, in fact, bring some level of illumination to why she was feeling so crummy yesterday.

Since then, she has mostly slept and has only been awake here and there to basically eat yogurt provided by her amazing boyfriend, take medicine of varying sorts, drink Gatorade, and watch a movie. Dead Poets' Society is still as incredible as I remembered it, if not better. It made me want to race down to the gazebo on the waterfront and read poetry aloud. I mentioned this to my RA as a dorm activity, and she was actually pretty stoked about. So maybe next semester for floor "initiation" we'll do it. If not, I'm sure I can scrounge up enough English major buddies to do it! :)

Anyhow, I'm now...whoa. Am I actually...hungry? This is a bizarre sensation. Maybe I can eat something a little more solid than yogurt and Gatorade. This is a GOOD sign. Appetite is always a good sign.

Hopefully with another solid night's sleep, I'll be up to taking on the week!


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