I have been mutated into a new kind of superhero. I am now "The Walking Contagion." Please, don't scoff. I am a living, breathing, conversing plague, something akin to the Black Death. I, however, do not rely on fleas and rats to spread my illness near and far. (Hopefully, it will not take a raging fire to destroy the sickness...) I have the capabality of contaminating anyone within a five mile radius. I walk past groups of people and they spontaneously erupt in fits of sneezing. My ultimate firearm? The Loogy-Hocker 2000.
Anyway, enough of the gross-out analogy. I do feel like I am a walking plague--like I'm the person the terrorists inflicted with Anthrax and I'm unknowingly spreading it throughout the globe. Eh...I guess it happens to the best of us. My voice is getting better, although I still can't sing. It can be depressing to watch your choir sing while you sit and try to hum along, only to have your range downsized drastically. *sigh*
Tonight I watched some more Firefly with Tyler. It's so nice to be able to go to his place to relax and not feel any pressure to be anything but myself. Plus, I feel safe around him. Don't get me wrong; I don't walk around in a paranoid state all the time. I feel safe around a lot of people, but with him it's a special kind of safe, void of any pretence. It's a good feeling.
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