If I wasn't feverish, I'd still be blushing...
I'm in the midst of writing a Freudian analysis of The Merchant of Venice. Oh wow. Some of the conclusions I've drawn are...well, they're not Victorian, that's fo' sho'. I wonder if my paper will need to be censored in workshopping it later today...? Ah, this has the potential for multiple awkward turtles. Beurk.
However, as possibly awkward as this can be, maybe the prof will give me brownie points for just going for it. I mean, if you're going to do a Freudian analysis of anything, it's going to be graphic and pretty crude by typical societal standards. Discussing his theories in lit crit turned the class into a bunch of giggly junior highers. ("He said 'penis!'")
*eye roll*
Well, I'm bracing myself for the inevitable backlash from the students, but I'm halfway wondering if this is "too" far for the teacher...? I have my doubts.
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