my thoughts' coffeeflet

a sort of kludgy lodging place for my life

Sunday, October 29, 2006


Last night was the final performance of "Nina Variations." I'm so proud of our cast's incredible performance! They were AMAZING. On fire. Wow. There couldn't have been a better final show from them. They've been such a gift.

Surprisingly, I ended up with flowers after all of this--and quite a lot of flowers at that. Opening night, Lisa--the head of the drama department--gave me a rose. And then last night...holy cow. One of my good friends gave me three long-stemmed white roses. The cast presented me with a potted plant of miniature white roses. Tyler gave me a bouquet of pink carnations. :) Tyler's parents sent me a bouquet of roses. And some close missionary friends also sent me a bouquet of flowers--not sure what all is in it, but there are lilies.

I love lilies...but unfortunately, I think I might be allergic to them! I have allergic reactions to certain perfumes--they make my throat raw and make me cough. This morning, I woke up with that type of sensation--my room smells like flowers A LOT--and I thought it was just delayed stress-induced cold type illness. (...bad sentence...) But now I'm thinking that it might be the lilies. Not sure though...

Anyhow, I was stunned and flattered that I ended up with this many flowers. I really didn't do all that much for the show. I ran errands here and there, gave input here and there, but overall not a lot. But that said, it now looks like there's been a funeral in my room.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I was lame and did not have the time to contribute. :( Lame lame. couldnt be more lame...:(

10:24 PM  

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