my thoughts' coffeeflet

a sort of kludgy lodging place for my life

Monday, July 24, 2006

One Day More

I suddenly feel like bursting into songs from "Les Mis." Curious. ;)

So I have one more day before I go up to Alaska. I'M SO EXCITED!!!!! I can't eat, can't sleep, can't's killing me! Okay, so the heat is part of the problem. And speaking of the weather--bleh--I couldn't fall asleep until 3:30am or so and woke up before my alarm went off this morning. *whimper* I want to sleep. :( *begins to full on bawl*

*finishes tempestuous bout of tears*

In other news, I don't know how effective I'll be at work today. I think I'll be gazing off into space most of the time--both from anticipation of TOMORROW and from lack of sleep. Hopefully this lack of sleep will not be so great as to cause me to sleep through my alarm in the morning... :( Yikes, what a horrible thought. I forbid it. *makes sign agains the evil eye*

Today was another scorcher. To cope, we at the bookstore had a popsicle run mid-afternoon. It hit the spot...for awhile. During the midst of eating the carton of sugah free pops, Alex--the wonderbrat who I now must consider as a younger brother--made a joking fuss that as a guy he deserved to have more popsicles. Something about working harder. (Okay, so he was lugging big stuff around...) Anyhow, he deserved to be called a misogenist. So I complied. It was only my duty. :) Later in the day, several of us went outside and ran around in the sprinklers for awhile--including my manager. :) It was a good way to cope. :)

Now I'm going to do some laundry, start packing, and hope that my bag doesn't exceed 50 lbs. Since I'm not packing my study Bible and only a compact, that should take out an immediate 15 lbs, so I should be good! :) I get to leave school at 3:45am tomorrow. Bleh. That I'm not looking forward to. But I AM looking forward to seeing Tyler tomorrow!!!! :D :D :D :D My excitement can barely be contained. :)



Blogger grackyfrogg said...

yay for fun trips to places like alaska! hopefully it won't be nearly as hot there. i can definitely relate to the lack-of-sleep issues caused by.. well, a lack of sleep! but of course what i mean is that the lack of sleep is due to the heat. anyway, i'm not sure i'm really making any sense, because it is so hot i can't feel my brain!!! so i'm going to go to bed now, and not sleep, because (say it with me): IT'S SO DANG HOT!!!

alright i'll shut up now. :)

have a GREAT time! safe travels...

11:15 PM  

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