my thoughts' coffeeflet

a sort of kludgy lodging place for my life

Friday, July 21, 2006

just call me an insomniac

Because, really, this ENTIRE week could have defined me as such. I have had a REALLY hard time getting to sleep this week. I don't know why. I can make some guesses, and they're probably close to right on, but it's just crazy. Last night, I was in bed, well, I already talked about that in my previous blog. No need to rehash sleeping habits. Except I want to add to tonight's habit, or lack thereof.

So I wasn't tired for a long time. Then, around midnight, I decided to hit the hay. So I washed my face and clambered into bed. It was hot, however, even with the fan on and the sheets off, and I couldn't stop thinking about how this weekend is going to be broiling and I'll be walking around downtown Seattle in that weather. That made me think about what I'll wear Saturday--jean skirt or capris?--and then that made me think of how if I wore either of those, I'd need to shave my legs--at least to the tops of my knees. So then I started hyperfocusing on my unshaven stems and couldn't shake it.

Ergo, it was off to the bathroom with razor and shave gel at, oh, 1am. Shaving in the sink while listening to random songs on my zen micro--mostly Michelle Branch, it seemed--and thinking. Ah, the thinking that prevents sleep and laughs at my torment. Stupid brain. Who needs one, anyhow?!

Two half-shaved legs later, I returned to my bed and collapsed on it, ready for sleep. Nada. Oh no. My mind decided to hyperfocus on my rough heels. So the light came on again, I slathered on lavendar scented, shea butter enriched, body cream, put on ankle socks, and turned off the light again. Did I sleep? Obviously no, because if I had, why would I be writing a blog at nearly 2am? Answer me that! :P

Nope, instead of sleep claiming me--oh conquer my mind, please!--I instead began to mentally sing the soundtrack to the Footloose musical. It came in the mail today--ordered it from Amazon--and I was listening to it all day long. Oy vey. Not a wise choice on my part by any stretch of the imagination. I now have about three songs dancing around in my head. (oh hahahaha, when I don't sleep the puns come out all over the place) They would be: The Girl Gets Around, Let's Hear it For the Boy, and of course, the title song. Or should I say the Title Song, accompanied by mental images of Kevin Bacon dancing...? *shrug*

So instead of sleeping, I decide to share with the world my frustrations with not being able to sleep. hm. I think part of the reason that I can't sleep is that I'm going to be in Alaska in...oh my gosh, FOUR DAYS!!!!! :D That excitement is preventing sleep. I have a lot of things to get done in the next few days, and I think that's just adding up and I can't shut my brain down at night. Yoiks. Also, I haven't been eating much this week and I'm kind of hungry, but let's face it, eating at nearly 2am probably isn't too healthy. Again, I'm too excited to eat or something. Or maybe I'm thinking I'll drop 20 pounds in the next three days and be a svelte beauty when I go up to visit the eskimos. ;) Hahaha...okay, I don't even want to do that. Bleh. I like the way I look, cellulite, stretch marks and all. (I'm sticking it to Hollywood and their bogus media images of women.)

Anyhow, I'm much looking forward to this weekend and then for Tuesday when I fly up to AK. Yippy skippy! And now, I shall attack my bed again and see if sleep comes. (please, God?!)


Blogger grackyfrogg said...

ah, you've been attacked by a spammer, i see. that, by the way, is why i require the little eye-examination/letter typing exercise for comments. (i mention it, because people have asked me, "what the heck is THIS?!" so in case you were also wondering...! :) )

i totally relate to the lack of sleep problem. i usually clean. or, lately, i come up with budget plans (a scary trend for a former English major who HATED math!). sleep has been hard to come by lately, but i think in my case lack of exercise is the main culprit.

that, and a brain that just refuses to turn off when i try to mentally hit the sleep button. as you say... "stupid brain. who needs it?!"

cool that everything seems to be getting planned for you in the Great Land. hope you'll post some pics on your blog; or if you are shy about putting them on the 'net, feel free to send me some!!!

8:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


...and eskimos? is that how you refer to a certain young man??? ;)

1:16 AM  

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