my thoughts' coffeeflet

a sort of kludgy lodging place for my life

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Ketchikan, Day 1

When I landed in Juneau this morning, I felt like I was coming home. The feeling only got stronger once I came in to Ketchikan. I don't--or maybe didn't--understand why. Before today, I'd never been north of the US--except for a brief stint into BC--so this homecoming sensation is fully 100% illogical. The other thing that seriously struck me today was how beautiful Alaska is. The weather has been coldish with heavy fog and cloudy skies. I think it's gorgeous. Natural beauty takes my breath away. I look at the forests here, the ocean, the ridges, the streams, and I think to myself that I'd be completely clueless if I saw all of this and didn't believe in God. I see this as only one more pointer to His glory. Wow! :)

Ty's mom met me at the airport--woohoo!--and when we got to the house, I met up with Kat--Ty's sister--and Princess--who's staying with them for the summer. Then Laura--Tyler's mom--started pointing out the features of the house, especially the kitchen--which was behind me. So I eventually looked--silly me, I was slow with very little sleep in me--and there was Tyler. I was literally stunned and so wasn't expecting to see him. I think I was shaking when we hugged.

Later, after we'd both napped--early mornings take it out of you!--Tyler drove me through Ketchikan, took me to where Kat works, and I met a whole slough of people. And just about every single one of them, upon finding out who I was, responded with comments like: "Oh he talks about you all the time!" or "Bethany? THE Bethany?" I have to say, I swelled with a little pride in my guy. I feel kind of foolish for going through all the ups and downs of trusting and believing earlier in the summer, especially in the face of all this outstanding evidence to the opposite. Oi.

We went to prayer this evening, and again, there was that feeling of being at home. I don't always feel that way in going to any church, so I was especially glad to be there. It was a powerful night. Especially at the beginning of the evening, I felt God's presence--like a tangible wind in my chest. Okay, that's a lousy explanation of the feeling, but it's as close as I'm able to get. Sometimes when I hear people say, "I can feel God's presence in this place," I get a little cynical and wonder what they're smoking. But tonight was simply incredible.

There was a "debriefing" about last week's prayer meeting, and one of the items mentioned--by Ty's dad--was how God has chosen each of us. When he was talking about it, he kept looking at me, and yeah, I took it to heart--kind of. Prayer started after the brief talk, and I started praying. I know that the Holy Spirit must have led me because each thing that I prayed about in the early part of the service--others went forward and prayed out loud about later on in the evening. Corporate prayer is a powerful thing.

It was later, when things had gotten quieter, Les--Tyler's dad--came over and handed me his notes about God choosing us. At the top, he had handwritten my name before the rest that said, "I [being God] chose you." He went on to talk with me about how the message was something for everyone, but specifically for me. Also, that God was breaking off parts of me, but He was simultaneously building me up, and that I have power as a believer. Everything from this summer, all the challenges and insecurities that I've dealt with, all of it seems to have culminated in this one night of prayer. I think I know now why I feel like I've come home.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You, my dear Bethany, are a wonderful girl. And one I can't wait to get to know more this next school year... :)

I hope the days in Ketchikan just keep getting better and better.

7:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, Beth, that is awesome! Can't wait to hear more when you return! As sad as I'd be if you stayed there forever, I'd be totally okay with it if its so good for you! (though God doesn't usually like us to just stay in one place and expect the same stuff to happen, but you get the idea. :D)

Love you. SO glad it is going so awesomely. Keep in touch, will ya?

5:33 PM  

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