my thoughts' coffeeflet

a sort of kludgy lodging place for my life

Friday, July 07, 2006

bow chicka bow bow

In case it wasn't apparent by the title, I'm in a mood. "What kind of mood?" you might ask. I'm in the mood to explain what kind of mood I am in. I'm in a very bizarre mood. For example, I'm listening to a Christmas mix of random songs by random performers. And yes, it is not even the middle of July. Does this make sense to anyone else...? Cuz I'm a bit clueless myself. A few things that are running through my head at this very moment:

1. I'm going home tomorrow. (SO EXCITED!) It feels like I haven't gone home in, the fam's going to see POTC2 tomorrow. Woohoo!

2. I'm still dazzled by my new lipgloss--no pun intended. It's so sparkly and delicious. :)

3. On a similar note, I'm very much looking forward to going up to AK and dressing up for Tyler. I want to look pretty for him. :) (WHAT KIND OF A PERSON AM I BECOMING?!?!) I believe this is a good thing, but it's not very typical of me. At all.

4. I am bringing one of my two new summer dresses home this weekend and wearing it to church. I'm excited for both of them, but I want to wear this one sooner. It's also more of a "church" dress than the other one.

5. Whoa...I almost let five slip. Shh...this one's a secret. All I'm saying is my mom knows, but my dad doesn't. *crosses fingers*

6. I have one more project for TESL. Yes, it's still not done. Yes, I'm looking forward to an all-nighter. Yes, this is typical for me. Yes, I'll be done with all-nighters after tonight. A month and a half free of all-nighters...and hopefully by fall semester, my common sense will have kicked in and I shall be able to avoid them. Unlikely.

7. I want to go to Greece.

8. I am exhausted...and I hope that I don't fall asleep on the bus tomorrow.

9. Following that train of thought: I'm not sure what piece of luggage to drag home for the weekend. Which one would work the best...? One's a tad too small...the other's WAY too big. *ponders*

10. My nose itches, and I think I'm getting a cold.

11. Nourishment in this neighborhood is freakishly expensive. I'll be glad when the cafeteria opens up again and I won't have to buy food--just coffee.


Blogger grackyfrogg said...

have a safe trip home!

8:03 AM  

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