Can ninjas love?
Can forgetting something be this memorable?
3:30am update~
Sample sentence from evil grammar book: "People are afraid to say which government official ordered the massacre." Seriously, the author of this book must be shell-shocked. The ENTIRE book is full of equally morbid sentences and passages. Like this one: "The bomb exploded as soon as it had been dropped down the hospital's chimney." Or how about the tragic story of an oil rig hit by a hurricane wherein none of the crew was rescued and all perished horribly at sea?
How about something pleasant for a change, like: "See Jane run. Run, Jane, run!"?! Run away from the terrorists strafing the school you go to with Dick. Oh no! Someone poisoned Spot? Who could it be?! It must be the Muslim extremists! Unclean animal!!!! Pah...silly author. I don't care if he has degrees coming out his butt, he needs therapy!!!! (And stop picking on Muslims!!!!!)
4:50am update~
I'm currently listening to POD's album "Satellite." It's a great album, but unfortunately, it half reminds me of my ex. (Why does he keep coming up...?) And I started thinking about the myriad lies he told while I was dating him. Allow me to list a few:
1. His cousin was the leader of the Long Beach Crips and the ex much respected him.
2. Said cousin was killed by rival gang, creating emotional situation in relationship--perhaps using to get at me? The whole "tug the girl's heartstrings and she'll give it up"?
3. He said he had cancer. (never proved it, still hasn't)
4. He said he visited family in Ireland--never did.
5. He said he knew POD--the connection--but again, never proved it.
6. Claimed to have received threatening letters from gang members who "remembered" him from Long Beach.
7. He said he shot someone at a big party in an uncontrollable rage.
8. Said person later became a Christian and, although now confined to a wheelchair, has a thriving youth ministry in Colorado.
...and the list could go on. The thing is, if I knew all this about this guy, why was I ever in the relationship? Seriously, what drug was I on while I was dating him?! My word, hindsight is 20/20, but this...how could I not see it while I was dating the jerk? And I feel bad for him, because he believes his own lies. Wow.
Anyhow, back to TESL. For once, homework is a much pleasanter topic. :)
i have wondered myself what it is that keeps our hearts bound to people when our brains are screaming, "are you INSANE?! what are you THINKING!"
well, it happens to me alot, anyway.
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