my thoughts' coffeeflet

a sort of kludgy lodging place for my life

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

another day

Just finished watching the Veggie Tales' Jonah movie. As always, it's hilarious. Favorite character is the Indian caterpillar. Gotta love a caterpillar who talks with a Delhi accent. :) Other favorite part of film: the "credits song."

Also: I am very bad at leaving voice messages. They just keep going and I never know when to stop. *shakes fist* Such a bad habit. Must learn proper American phone etiquette--if there is such a thing...

On a whim, I decided to do a google image source of anorexia. I do this occasionally to get a healthy perspective on weight issues. Anorexic is NOT what I want to become. I'm okay having "more to love" because even though it might not be healthy, it's better than starving myself. Anyhow, all this to say that I ran across a French webpage that discusses this issue. Below is the translation of one of the key paragraphs.

Because of media launching anorexia like a new product, more than half of the French are on, or will go on, a diet in order to be thinner. It's no longer a question of health, but a question of appearance. To tell the truth, the majority of women are not made like models. In fact, "less than 5%, that is to say five people out of one hundred, possess the body type that most models have." And even they have diets and exercise to maintain their silhouettes. There is no reason for women to starve themselves for society. Woman's body is very beautiful; we must appreciate it!

And this from the French! I'm stunned...but proud of them for saying something about it. Honestly, weight is such a ridiculous issue that's brought up all the time--I've mentioned it a few times myself in here--and I wish that people would come to some kind of agreement about it. (I'm preaching to myself here...)

Final note for the day: I have one more project left to complete for TESL. Hallelujah!!! It's about time. :) One more, and then, freedom!


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