my thoughts' coffeeflet

a sort of kludgy lodging place for my life

Monday, June 26, 2006


I rather wish this blog was about an actual road trip, involving a motorized vehicle, but it isn't. Actually, it's about my adventures from work until 9pm. Remember, I get off work at 6pm. Well, I'd volunteered to go to my boyfriend's storage unit down the way to get something for him and mail it up to AK. Also important to note, I wholly volunteered to complete this mission...there was no casual "suggesting" or other types of hints--unless I'm a complete block of wood. Which is possible...just keep reading.

Anyhow, I actually had a potential ride down to the storage unit, but I figured, oh, it's really not THAT far to Shurguard, and I could use the exercise. After all, it's not like working in a bookstore keeps my heart rate up... So I figured I'd look up the directions to make sure I remembered how to get there. Mapquest is a handy thing, it tells you how far you're actually going and everything. (Remember how I said I might be a complete block of wood? This comes into play now...) Mapquest informed me that the distance to the storage unit was two and a half miles--okay, 2.49 miles--each way. That equals five miles. I still figure, eh, I could use the exercise.

So, silly me, I set off down the road after work with my trusty zen micro--oh mp3 player, you saved my sanity!!!--and without water or nutrition. If you're not in the Seattle area, let me also add that temperatures were up in the low 90s today. Things were a little toasty...and I've got pink arms to prove it. Oh, and one side of my face is pinker than the other. Oh. Joy.

Anyhow, I set out with a bounce in my step and a smile on my face. Things are going well until I come to part of the road where the sidewalk entirely disappears...and the road goes under an overpass, and I can't really walk through the brush because it's knee-high and thorny. So I walk as close to the guardrail as I can, trying to avoid blackberry brambles. I didn't do a very good job. Then the drivers kept glaring at me. Go figure, I was walking on their road. And I almost flipped over the guardrail because I was trying to stay a little too close to it. Now that would've made this story even more interesting. The funniest thing about this: on the way back from the storage unit, I realized that there was a sidewalk...on the OPPOSITE side of the road! :P

Eventually, I made it to the storage unit and began my search. And I searched. And searched, sending text messages all the while to verify location of desired items. After looking through everything and coming up with nothing, I called the wonderful boyfriend and asked him if he was absolutely positive that what I was looking for was in the unit to begin with. (I know, I should've made that call BEFORE I walked all the way there.) Ironically, after some perplexing figuring, he thought that maybe his brother had what I was looking for. By that point, I just started laughing. Seriously, you have to laugh at something like this! :)

Before I locked up the storage unit and began to make my trek back to school, I "stole" a jar of mandarin oranges from my boyfriend's stuff. Okay, so I asked first...but I was desperate for liquid and some form of energy intake in order to make it back alive. It really hit the spot. I drank most of the juice and ate some of the orange pieces along the way. Oh, and I saw a bunny. Cute little thing.

I made it back to school by the grace of God and by the upbeat music in my player. Who knew Outkast and Spice Girls could give me the energy to make it up Suicide Hill without collapsing?

Final note: the scum of the earth were out in full force today whilst I walked. I don't know how many times guys checked me out. One of them--God bless his little pagan heart--had the gall to make kissing noises at me. The funny thing about that, he sort of did it as he drove by, but then had to stop at a light, and I could see him shrinking in his seat and stealing guilty glances at me from the side mirror. Idiot. I guess I brought it somewhat on myself by wearing a tank top--God forbid--and walking on the side of the road like a common hooker--God forbid even more. Okay, so that last statement was dripping, yea, verily oozing with sarcasm.

On an even more final note: I'm glad that things like today's happenings happen. It makes for good blogging material! :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...


You know, i could write a similar blog chronicling a bike ride I made today in the blistering heat....all the way to the waterfront and back! I was trying to buy a mousepad of all things lol. Seems to me a certain bookstore should have some in stock :) Glad you made it alive and saw a bunny.

2:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw a deer the other day up there! A doe! Did I tell you? So fun!

9:39 PM  

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