my thoughts' coffeeflet

a sort of kludgy lodging place for my life

Thursday, June 22, 2006

a morning of accomplishment

This morning was a morning of accomplishment. Do you ever have those mornings where, even though you don't plan your routine the night before, everything goes like clockwork...and beyond? I had one of those mornings today. I got up, turned on the coffeemaker, took a shower, applied lotion, got dressed, ate breakfast, made up my morning fix (aka COFFEE), took my allergy meds and a vitamin, and got to work on time. Well, maybe I was five minutes late...but even so, it was an accomplished morning. And several of those items mentioned were not in my typical morning routine, so all the better. :)

I have decided to start taking vitamins in hopes that my hair will grow faster. And even if the hair thing doesn't work out, I'll at least be getting the vitamins and minerals that I'm not getting b/c of my diet. Oi...sandwiches and cereal don't have much going for them! :P At least I have good sandwich fixin's and I don't get bored with tastes very often.

In other news, I'm meeting with our campus pastor in the morning to talk about my testimony. I'm hoping he can shed light on whether or not this "burden" I've been feeling to share it is something of the Lord or of my "look at me!" flesh. If you read this before 10am pacific time, please keep this meeting in your prayers! I've been praying--and continue to pray--that what is said and done in the meeting will be led by the Spirit and not by human motivation. Lord, let your will be done in all of this!

On an entirely different note, I have a TESL project to get working on...and my motivation and creativity are nil. (so not a good sign...) I leave you with this, a token of my insanity:

Pocket ninjas are the new pink, I swear. :)


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