buh-bye, grammar fiend!
The grammar project--my most recent nemesis--has been slain in the most valiant of fashion. It resulted in my drinking a coke at (what was it?) 3:30am (or so) and eating an unwarmed can of chili...out of the can. It did not, however, prevent me from getting to work on time, even though I went to bed at 6am and got up at 8:30am. This is progress, peoples! On nights when I get three or four times that amount of sleep, I struggle mightily to get out of bed. This morning, although it was still a miniature scuffle, I managed to drag my exhausted and already jittery carcass from my "princess and the pea" bed. I currently have two mattresses stacked up, and it's getting a little wobbly up on my perch. In fact, I have to use a parachute to safely make it to the floor in the morning. (Maybe that's why I've been late to work...?)
Anyhow, so now that this grammar project is done, I only have...three more projects in the works! I swear, these assignments keep spontaneously generating in efforts to annihilate what's left of my sanity. They're like Uruk-Hai being birthed from strange crossings. Nasty like orcses too, precious. *Gollum!*
I am currently on the tail end of my lunch break, eating a chocolate flavored power bar. These things have got to be carcinogenic, but they're enough of a meal replacement to get me through the day when I need to skimp of making lunch. It can take a surprisingly lengthy amount of time to put a sandwich together. Crazy. I only have half an hour, so it makes the break less like a break and more like a switch up in the zaniness of the day. Ah well, new scenery and a chance to walk in the sun is good enough for me!
So the meeting that was scheduled for this morning got bumped back to 1:30...and now to 2pm. I hope that I can still make it in today. If not, I think I'll have to take it as God's way of gently shutting the door on that idea.
Anyhow, I'm now parched from that power bar, so I'm going to go hunt some water. It is quite the feat to hunt water, I'll have you know. You can't use orthodox weapons and traps. One must use...a mouth. *shock!* I know, I thought it was pretty barbaric the first time I heard it too. :)
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