my thoughts' coffeeflet

a sort of kludgy lodging place for my life

Saturday, June 24, 2006

my new happy place

Yes, I have a happy place. It's beautiful, but its sole occupant is me. I'm deciding to make a new happy place that is that much more beautiful.

I've been reading "Captivating" by John and Stasi Eldredge. I bought it last summer, started to read it, recognized its value, but never finished it. This summer, I've been reading it, and it's phenomenal. I can tell that God's hand was firmly holding the authors' as it was penned. It has spoken to me deeply, touching my very core, drawing both laughter and tears--a lot of tears--as I've been reading it.

The chapter I just finished was on being romanced by God. That's something that has been so very hard for me to understand. I've never been okay with calling God my Lover, but that is exactly who He is. He loves me that much. Absolutely mind blowing! One of the things mentioned in the chapter is that the little things that move us women are the notes and whispers God leaves us to show us His love. Another thing mentioned is how we are to open our hearts to His love...which can be hard when one takes into account the broken hearts we have. One of God's little notes to me as I was reading this portion was the song I "happened" to be listening to at the time, called "Don't be Afraid [to Fall in Love Again]." Here are the lyrics and the song.

But on to my new happy place.

My happy place now consists of an open coffeehouse-like room. There's a comfortable black sofa on a natural, soft hardwood floor. One of the walls is a floor to ceiling window. There's rain falling on the windows, softly, and I can hear its gentle sound. Slow, instrumental jazz is playing quietly in the background. Maybe there's a hearth with a fire...but there I am on the sofa, curled up next to my Lover. He holds me tenderly, close to His heart. And we don't have to say anything. We know each other intimately. Maybe you can't see it, but I do. And it makes my heart melt.

God, I love you so much!


Blogger grackyfrogg said...

thank you for writing this. it reminded me of a book i read a couple years ago, called "lover of my soul" by alan d. wright. it made me cry, too.

12:23 AM  

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