Little Miss Sunshine
I just got back from watching Little Miss Sunshine with Eli. I haven't laughed that hard in such a long time. I really needed that tonight. I mean, seriously, I think this was a huge blessing to have today.
Dropping off the parental units at the airport wasn't too bad. The poor cat was drugged up, so he didn't have much of an emotional outburst, and really, no one else did either. I managed to keep from outright bawling while I was around my mom and dad, but I started crying on the way back to the car. I'm glad Eli was with me. It helped.
Before the airport, however, we went to dinner at Denny's--breakfast sounded good, okay?--and while there, I managed to convince my dad to tell us a Georgina and Bertha story. For those of you who do not know about these tales--which would be pretty much EVERYONE--these are stories that my dad has told my sister and me since wee infancy.
Granted, at that time, it didn't take as much to keep our attention, but the stories have continued till present day whenever my sister and me ask for one. Usually, they come out at big events--graduation, marriage, another move--and they are a perfect example of art imitating life. As we've grown up, the quality of the stories has changed--there's more irony and plot development--but the heart of them is still there.
Today, when I asked my dad to tell us a Georgina and Bertha story, I did so as a preventative measure against tears. I wanted to be able to have fun before we said our goodbyes. Plus, a LOT has happened since the last batch of stories, and there were some much needed additions.
Some of the highlights: Tie-dye, Can-Can, Mr. Goo-goo-gra-vi, Eggs, and a laurel costume. Also, Hector the Shrubber and his special gardening shears. And an artificial limb. If you REALLY want the details, you'll have to ask me because it's WAY too long to put in here.

Anyhow, so by the time Eli and I got back from the airport, we figured we'd catch a movie, giving us something else to think about. However, as we got back before seven, I was able to go to our second rehearsel of the evening and thoroughly enjoyed the time. Our cast, again, is phenomenal. After the rehearsel, Eli and I hit up Starbucks and, since it was uber full, decided to sit in the car and talk.
And talk we did.
Or rather, I spilled my guts about the events of the past week or so, ending up in some serious crying with not quite enough tissues. Eli loaned me her shoulder to cry on and some good advice. It's good to have good girl friends. Every woman needs 'em.
Tomorrow, and the rest of the weekend, I plan on being busy. I'm looking forward to it, actually, because if I keep going, I won't have time to dwell on today's sadness. At the same time, I think all I have to do is think of the ending of Little Miss Sunshine and I'll be fine.

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