I love being involved in drama. There's a level of camaraderie that exists in theatre that is missing in other activities. Of course, I'm not really involved in other activities like I am in this is probably why I have the bias that I do.
But really, as thoroughly exhausting as practice was today, it was amazing. We put in about nine hours total--Meghan and I--with different groups of actors coming and going all day. It was a little frustrating, but mostly good. I'm excited to see how things progress from here.
We ended up sending on of the actors home after twenty minutes of practice b/c he wasn't ready. Instead, Meghan, Martha, and I stayed in Millard Hall and discussed things. We checked our myspace accounts, desperately sending out bulletins regarding a strong desire for smoothies and/or lattes. (We hooked a few different people, God bless 'em!)
We found various show tunes online and sang along with them, acting them out on stage. Apparently, I'd make a good Elphaba...? I don't think anyone can touch Idina Menzel, so I have my big doubts about that. And then we discussed Backstage Cafe from last year--Martha and I were both involved--and we made the joint resolution that Jen changed the production to basically showcase herself. Eh, it's over. I've recently been able to think about the positive aspects of that show, so I'm dropping it. :)
Anyhow, since the time that I started writing this blog, I have moved temporarily back home so that I can get my passport renewed and attend a farewell reception for my parents at church. However, they've moved out of our house and are now living in our neighbor's renovated boathouse until they leave. It's quite beautiful, and I'll be taking pics and posting within the next few days.
But a nap is calling me, and my cat is in the boathouse by himself, so I'm going to go see him.
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