my thoughts' coffeeflet

a sort of kludgy lodging place for my life

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Cat person: I lead an ignored, fur-filled life

I challenge you to find something more comforting than a warm, furry body snuggled up to yours in those post-sleep moments while you're still in bed and not yet energetic enough to get up. That was my wake up call this morning. Deidre, the grey cat that is currently snoozing on my lap, chose to be my morning buddy and snuggle with me before I managed to fetch coffee.

I am up in Ketchikan, AK, once more, and I am very happy. I realized a few days ago that this is just about a year after my first visit to K-town, and with that realization came the--it is so hard to use a laptop with a cat's head resting in the crook of your left elbow--realization of how much has happened in one year. Praise the Lord that He was with me through all of it!

This summer is infinitely different from last summer. One of the biggest key differences is that for once--in a long time--I'm stable. I'm so used to drama and emotions and insanity that not having it is odd, but wonderful. (Ok, Dede, I'm moving my arm...sorry!) For once, I'm not the one desperately clinging to others to stay buoyed above the turmoil. Instead, I guess God finds me stable enough to be that point of strength for others. And I guess that's why God put me at Miracle Ranch for the summer and as an RA for next year.

This is not to say that I don't need Him daily, because when I get cocky enough to think, "Oh I can take it from here, God," that's usually when it all hits the fan. And once again, I remember my weakness and choose to let God be my strength and my guide. (One more realization that reflects back on a few months past is that God really does know what He's doing. It just takes me longer to realize His plan when He reveals it in time.)

Anyhow, I'm here in Alaska, at the Cronks' house, and I am supremely happy. Looking out on the channel with the low-lying clouds and an occasional sea plane flying by, I feel rested and content. (Eleven hours of sleep didn't hurt either.) I'm so glad I got this week off!

Two more things and I'll go:

1) I'm developing a man-voice with a post-camp stress-induced cold.

2) You need to get on Laura's case about writing her book. (If you're not her friend, message her. :) )

PS. I read The Kite Runner yesterday on the way to the airport, before my plane boarded, all the way up to Ketchikan, and then finished it yesterday afternoon. It was one of the best books I've read in a long time!


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