my thoughts' coffeeflet

a sort of kludgy lodging place for my life

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Morning already...?

I'm propping open my dry, grainy eyes with toothpicks at the moment. So much writing and thinking going on. Okay, more abstract thought processes than writing, but it's getting there. My lit crit prof was right when she said that theory makes sense at three in the morning. That's about how late it was when things finally began to click into place. Well, more like 2:15am...

Ironically, my TESL prof said that everything sounds genius at three in the morning. So I'm probably thinking to myself, "I'm totally getting Bakhtin and the carnivalesque in relation to Merchant of Venice!" And in a few short hours when we workshop our outlines, I'll realize that my genius of the middle of the night was really a lack of sleep and stress overload grasping at potential salvation. (Oh that by the end of the semester, I will have earned academic absolution!)

In the meantime, I'm going to go polish up my outline and hit the hay. Maybe I'll consume a few satsumas along the way. Delish...

PS. Random run-in with said TESL prof this afternoon: she asked how the end of my semester was shaping up, and I told her that I have about 50 pages of papers to write in the next two weeks. Her reply? "You're getting ready for grad school!" Haha...the "most expensive book club you'll ever join." I love that lady! She's teh bestest!!!


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