my thoughts' coffeeflet

a sort of kludgy lodging place for my life

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


There's a bush on campus that I've had my eye on for about two weeks now. It's at a junction between the dorms, the library, and the student center. There's nothing particularly attractive about this bush. It doesn't draw much attention, it's just there. It's a pretty green, healthy and full.

Recently, we've been having monsoon-like rainstorms, and in the midst of this rain, this bush began to put forth blossoms. I'm not sure what type of bush it is, but the flowers are white, multi-petaled, with yellow pollenated centers. Throughout the harsh winds and rainfall, these blossoms have endured.

Now that they're reaching the natural end of their cycle, they're beginning to fade a little, and there are white petals scattered around the base of the bush. Surprisingly, none of the flowers appear to be dying, nor are the petals on the wet pavement bruised.

I really am breathless whenever I see this bush. It confounds the mind.

Today, as I was walking by on the way back to work, I passed the bush. It was pouring rain and cataracts were gushing down the hill by the library. Armed with umbrella, I was braving the gusts of wind, hoping that I wouldn't suddenly become aerodynamic.

As I walked by the bush, a sudden, darting movement caught my eye. To my wonder, I observed a hummingbird flitting from blossom to blossom. I don't believe I've ever seen a hummingbird in the state of Washington, let alone during the month of November in the midst of a rainstorm! Astonished, I laughed out loud to myself, amazed at the beauty this unnoticed shrub has bestowed upon my life.

Now here is where I'm going to wax English major. The symbolism of this bush and bird has been so personal. (A God love note...?) First of all, purity is associated with white, and flowers are associated with women. The bush's endurance throughout the storms represents the unfathomable, hidden strength that women have. When they are battered, they still bloom and bring beauty to the world around them. The hummingbird? I don't have symbolism for it yet, except that it was gorgeous. Nice touch, God! ;)


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