my thoughts' coffeeflet

a sort of kludgy lodging place for my life

Saturday, May 27, 2006

just around the corner

Temptation is always just around the corner. I think it's gone, and then it sneaks up on me. What I need to do is be more aware of my spiritual surroundings so that I'm not caught off guard. Chalk that one up to experience...let's see if I remember it next time around.

So this morning, in my half asleep/awake phase, one of those old temptations came back. I wanted to give in, but I was fighting it. But my will to fight kept lessening. I was about to give in when I stopped and started thinking about it. I thought to myself that even though my flesh was wanting me to masturbate--I hate that word; it's so dirty--that the spirit within me was telling me not to.

Somehow, my conscience--thank you, Holy Spirit!--won out, and I didn't succumb to temptation. I started thinking about the proper place and time for sex--within marriage, with one's spouse--and I realized that I desperately don't want to cheapen sex by masturbating. It's such a selfish act. I want to share that experience with the right guy--the husband that God may have planned for me. And it's more than worthwhile to wait for that day.


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