mp3 player
I discovered today that I am a comparison shopper. (But I'm also an impulsive shopper...and that's not a good thing.)
The reason I bring this up is because I am currently trying to decide what kind of mp3 player to purchase. After all, if I'm going to be on a freakishly long trip in July--by myself--I ought to have something to accompany me. :) I have a cd player, but it's kind of bulky for traveling. Plus, if I bring my computer along...oi...then I don't want to be bearing too much stuff. And ...well, I'm getting ahead of myself.
So I'm looking at Creative's Zen Micro...and not finding anything extraordinarily wrong with it. I'm debating between a 6 and 8GB memory. I read in one of the reviews that 6GB were I should probably just spring the extra money and buy an 8GB. Plus, a little extra memory couldn't kill me!
I'd debated on buying a Zen Sleek which comes with up to 20GB of memory, b

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