the chaos is over...
So, the ticket thing is FINALLY figured out. But I'm none too pleased with the results. Oh well, I can deal with it. It's certainly not the end of the world, and I really have nothing to complain about. I am going to Alaska, after all. And I get to see my guyo! :D So really, this is nothing. :)
Weather is pretty blah outside. Been overcast all day--we had one sunbreak--and it's been raining and windy. Pretty's nice. :) My room in the dorms has a wall of windows, basically, so when we had that hot spell, it was pretty toasty in here!
By the way, I am so envious of Vanna White. *laughs* I know, pretty pathetic of me, eh? But look at her! And look at her wardrobe! Ah well, I should be content with who I am and what I get to wear. But I still like her clothes...

She has her own star, for crying out loud! (How DOES she do that?!)
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