my thoughts' coffeeflet

a sort of kludgy lodging place for my life

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

broken promises

Why are broken promises so much more hurtful than cruel, angry words spewed without a thought? I think that's the crux of the issue that I was trying to get at earlier today as I wrote in my journal in chapel. [I'm usually much better at praying when I write out my thoughts to God. They're less formal and better connected.]

What I was getting at earlier was that I find it much easier to forgive hateful words when someone says something mean to me--an insult or a low blow in an argument or just a thoughtless, hurtful comment--because often they say things in the heat of passion and don't really mean it. Either that, or they are simply reacting emotionally and not logically, so I can mentally excuse their behavior.

However, if someone says that s/he will do something, promising heart/body/soul to the endeavor, and then, oh, change his/her mind about it, I feel completely shattered and I strongly question his/her integrity as a human being. Why did s/he promise this if s/he did not intend to defend this stance?

Please, please, PLEASE. If you are going to make a promise between yourself and another human being, have the courtesy to consider it purposefully before saying it. NEVER make a promise unless you are genuinely and authentically purposing to maintain this promise ad infinitim.


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