my thoughts' coffeeflet

a sort of kludgy lodging place for my life

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Evening 08

As always, I went back and forth on whether or not I was excited to go to Evening this year. Finally, after deciding on an idea of how to dress and who to go with--the cast!--I started getting super psyched about it.

Last night was a blast. There’s no other way to describe it! We all potlucked and had the most amazing meal--beef stew, soda bread, cheese, fruit, vegetable platter. I’m so glad that we ended up potlucking instead of going out to eat. Meghoney’s is so much better than going to a restaurant with ridiculous waits, servers, and prices. It was cozy and fun and definitely got the ball rolling.

Ironically, pretty much the entire cast dressed in some form of costume. You can tell we’re actors! Ryan, Jenni, and Puck all dressed in their costumes for the play, and they looked stunning. Randall and Nate looked like Paul Newman and Robert Redford from "The Sting." Meghan turned up looking like Marilyn Monroe. Nikolina looked like a modernized Audrey Hepburn. Marfa dressed like Eowyn. And me? According to Debbie Pope, I looked like Dorothy with a little something wicked thrown in. I was going for Bettie Page, so that’s a pretty apt description in my book. :)

Taking two separate cars, we ended up parking in all areas of Seattle--at least it felt like it--with a significant walk for our car to get to the EMP. ("Where’s the Space Needle...?" "Over there!") I tell you what, walking in rain over pavement in four inch stilettos with a not very warm trenchcoat on is not exactly blissful, but I did feel the part of a 1940s/1950s gal making her way to the USO. (My grandma would be proud! ;) ) We definitely got some looks while we walked, but it was still fun and we were all in high spirits regardless of weather and distance.

At the EMP, we were all pretty grateful that there was a coat check, with the exception of Ryan who had to check his PLASTIC sword. (Overheard security guard into his walkie talkie: "Are you going to let the angel and the knight in?") Yes, apparently Jenni was dressed as an angel and not as Titania, queen of the faeries. Pretty much Ryan has a hit list out on the security guards now. :)

One of my favorite parts of Evening was seeing how gorgeous everyone looked. I mean, beyond our group, people were pretty beautiful. (My girls looked the hottest of all!) Also, I get this funny kick about how all the insecure girls glare at all the other girls who are confidently beautiful without looking skanky. (What a concept...) Seriously though, there is a group of girls who, everytime I pass them on campus, give me these evil looks--and I REALLY have no idea why--so it made me laugh inwardly when they glared at me at Evening. Why? Not sure...

Got several compliments, which was nice, of course, but what was also nice was that I felt confident enough to accept them. That’s pretty rare for me, and I was in rare form, feeling confident and independent and loving the fact that I was dateless. (Have a boy around? Geez...why would I want to be tied down?)

Meghan and I found a space chair and sat for awhile, enjoying the quiet alcove. For intraverts like us, the quietness was much appreciated! In fact, we kept walking around the EMP looking specifically for places to sit down. We were both wearing intense heels, so any reprieve on our feet was much appreciated.

Karisma managed to get the yearbook dedicated to Debbie Pope, for which we say, "woot!" It’s about time the school honored her! Too bad it took her leaving to get that done. She’ll be missed by many, especially all upper level profs who will discover that none of their students can write after she leaves.

After Evening, our group reconvened at Meghoney’s for dessert and a movie. Puck was broken and ridiculously goofy and hilarious, and the rest of us were in varying states of silliness/exhaustion. As fun as it was to dress up and go out on the town, per se, it was just as much fun to put on pjs and sweatshirts, take off the makeup, and chillax with such great people.


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