locked in and overheating (reposted from myspace, so bear with any non sequitur references)
In case you haven’t noticed the new profile pic, I would like to point out that once more, my hairstyle has changed. This time--one week after the new bangs--I now have dreads. *sigh* My happiness is complete. :) A year ago, I was thinking of getting dreads but opted not to get the style since I didn’t think it very "professional." Now, being quite the character in the play, I end up with dreads for a week. :)
I sent my sis a pic of the new dreads this morning, and she responded with, "Have fun detangling that mess!" I quite agree. I’m not keeping them past Saturday night--our last performance--because I really can’t commit to the style at this point in my life--not with work and Choralons anyway. :) It took Meghan five hours to dread my hair so I wonder how long it will take to UNdread them...

In the meantime, I have discovered that people have a very wide reaction to dreads on campus. Some people think they’re cool, others don’t quite know what to make of them, and still others don’t actually recognize me. I think one of the best reactions came from Brenda when I walked into Choralons. She just laughed and laughed and finally asked me if it was for the play. (Yes.) Afterwards, I told her that I was undoing them Saturday night so that I won’t have them during Choralons. I think that’s fair.
Random side note: because of the wax in my hair, if I’m not careful, it looks like I have massive dandruff problems. Also, dreads are very warm and keep my head a bit hot. Plus, I want to wash my hair... Saturday night is the next time that I’ll be washing my head. The things I do for theatre... ;)
Another note: I am amazed by how much the NU community has backed this production. We were able to perform a "teaser" at Pursuit last Monday and this week in chapel, the prayer focus is on the drama department. When Jordan Skolrud prayed for us in chapel, he asked for sold out performances and for maintained energy and strength throughout the run of the show. Wow. This is just amazing, guys! :) I’m getting really excited about opening night. (The nerves just haven’t really hit yet!)
Look soon for new pics of the dreads...
The Dread Pirate Roberts? Oh, I SO went there... ;)
that's great! did you untangle them? I thought you had to cut off your hair top get rid of dreads!
Mine weren't in long enough for the hair to really lock up. Plus, they weren't done quite the right way so they weren't nearly as hard to comb out as I thought they would be. However, I had a friend who had dreads for quite awhile, and she was able to comb hers out without losing all her hair. :)
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