In May, I'll be going to India for a two week long mission trip. In Bombay, we'll be working with the local teen challenge and in that we will most likely be working with victims of human trafficking and/or street kids/drug addicts.
Ever since my school started to have an offering focus geared to helping stop human trafficking, my heart has been gradually breaking for those affected by it. Now that I've been presented with the opportunity to actually go there and do something about it firsthand, I can hardly believe it.
In the meantime, I have $1900 to raise. The first payment is due February 4 at $800. I currently have $150 deposited toward that cost. Only $1750 left to raise! :) (I have to look at the bright side here...) So very soon I shall be writing letters to friends and family, asking for funds.
I have a very strong feeling that God is going to blow my mind with the response in some way. I know that He will provide because I know that I'm supposed to go on this trip. At least I have a very hard time with the idea that I may not be going in the right direction with this.
Anyhow...I have a fundraising thermometer in the sidebar now so you can all follow along with my progress. I hope to see the money miraculously come in. I'll work more to enable that and pray for the remaining amount!

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