black magic
I would post this on my myspace blog as well, but I'm pretty sure my profs would nail me to the wall for blogging when I'm not done with my 12 page paper yet. (That would be the 12 pager that's due in, oh, seven and a half hours...)
However: I would like to make a plug for coffee at this point. I was very tired when I sat down in my uber comfy recliner to write this paper. But that was six cups of coffee ago, and right now, I feel very alert, practically bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. :)
I am optimistic about finishing this paper as figuring out my outline isn't as difficult as I thought it would be. I have a feeling God is giving me supernatural grace at this moment and I am going to be pretty much wiped out at the paper's completion.
In the meantime, for your enjoyment, the following index cards:

By the way, I texted Saturday while driving...on the freeway...while it was snowing. Do you think I might be something of a reckless driver? :S

Good old Donner party jokes. They never get old.
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