my thoughts' coffeeflet

a sort of kludgy lodging place for my life

Monday, June 04, 2007


Earlier today, I listened to a few seconds of the coffeepot percolating like a wheezing, asthmatic Darth Vader. (I swear, if Star Wars decides to jump on that merchandising bandwagon, we'll get Vader helmet-shaped coffeepots at some point.) Later, I was listening to Enya's mood music in the bookstore. Mellow, trance-inducing, all over relaxing. Now, the clock ticking, and the quiet rush of freeway traffic.

Tastes of the day: Doritos, coffee, water, chocolate covered almonds, quesadillas, and peanut butter. (Ok, the peanut butter is figurative because today has felt like a "swimming through peanut butter" day. I guess I left my mouth open.)

The smell of rain on asphalt. I dunno why, but it's pretty refreshing. There was the coffee earlier, and various people scents--laundry detergent, perfume, cologne, the human body. I'm not opposed to human body smells. (Flatulence being the exception.) Maybe it's because I grew up in Africa and I'm used to smelling people as they smell naturally. No added scents--just people. This is probably the same reason why, when I smell the fish market at Pike's Place, my heart automatically squeezes for home.

Swahili proverb: "You can't wash the dust of Africa from your feet." How true it is. Africa will always remain in my heart, even if I never go back.

For the entire morning and the beginning of the afternoon, I had a pounding headache in my brain's left hemisphere. Any sudden movement requiring additional blood to be pumped through my head stabbed throbs of agony into my head. This, in turn, required me to pause, grab my head, and try not to swear out loud. But then, as I complained after taking medicine and drinking coffee and having no results, Ronda prayed for me and less than 30 seconds later, the headache was gone. I guess I forget that God works in the small miracles as well as the large. (And I'm a big proponent of prayer, too!)

I also feel soreness in my outer pectorals. I don't know how else to describe it. It's the muscles between my shoulders and breasts. I guess that'd be outer pecs, right? ;) (Yep, me and anatomically correct terminology go hand in hand.) I did a bunch of pushups yesterday after running--two sets of ten reps each--and yesterday, I didn't feel a thing. Today, well, let's just say I'm not clamoring to help lift heavy boxes! :)

Things I've seen today: people. Went to the post office with Tyler, saw the mail clerks. Apparently--and here is why I am CLUELESS when it comes to guy/girl relationships--one of the clerks was hitting on me. Me, I just thought he was being nice. (I usually go to him when I'm on bookstore business because the boxes are typically too heavy for the female clerks to manage.) Tyler, on the other hand, pointed out that he was hitting on me, and had been checking me out in the line. I don't know about that...but again, I am apparently very clueless.

Well, I need to go look at some books and probably a lot of papers. Maybe I'll feel their textures, too, and get a whiff of paper and glue at the bindings, hear their pages rustle softly as I verify information... ;)


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