my thoughts' coffeeflet

a sort of kludgy lodging place for my life

Thursday, May 17, 2007

a new twist

I've been examining a certain culture lately--the Maori of New Zealand. If you've been reading my blog since its inception, you will know that I have been interested in the Maori culture since last summer, when I was interested in learning the haka--I can check that off my list now!--and really wanted to go to NZ just to experience the Maori firsthand.

Well, in my research, I was looking up textiles, artifacts, images, etc., and I stumbled upon an image of a Maori necklace. When I clicked on the image, I found the hunger site, which I've discovered before, and realized that this necklace was for sale.

Something from the Maori culture? That I can buy without having to go to New Zealand? Dude...out came the debit card and I bought it then and there. (And hey, food was donated by the purchase--or so they claim--so I felt few qualms about the purchase.)

[Side note: these sister stores--hunger site, breast cancer site, rainforest site, literacy site, child health site, animal rescue site--all provide the most interesting items for purchase in order to fund these various charities. Since they are "giving" to the rest of the world, they offer unique gifts from all over the place. Seriously, some of the coolest stuff is on these sites. If you're looking for a cool present, look no further!]

Today, I checked my mailbox and the necklace had arrived--super fast since I just purchased it Monday. I put it on tonight, and I'm pretty sure that it's going to become the necklace that I wear all summer long and probably won't take off for a good long time. Plus, since it's made of carnelian, it will get redder in the sunlight. (I hope so, because with summer coming up, that's so exciting!)

There's a lot of meaning to this necklace and, as an English major, I'm all about symbolism. The twist represents the joining of two people forever, how no matter where life takes them, they'll always come around to each other again, sharing their lives once more. I would assume that this would typically be used for lovers or "bosom" friends. Well...being at a lack for both of those in this world--to some extent--I chose to purchase the necklace for another reason.

Lately, I've been going through some soul searching. Well, it's more like God-searching. I'm in a time where I'm pressing in to God, developing intimacy with Him. This looks like it's going to be a slow process because I am slow to trust and, well, relationships with God are all about trust--and grace. So in symbolism of my learning to love God even more, I chose to buy this necklace in hopes that it reminds me of our relationship.


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