So what's the deal with masturbation?
This topic is prevalent throughout our society. It's splashed all over the media, tips and advice are sanctioned in magazines and on the internet, and does the church address it? At all?
Oh, and how come when guys masturbate, people sort of titter behind their hands, roll their eyes, smile, and say, "Oh they're boys, what do you expect?" Well, if you're going to tell women NOT to do it, then maybe maintaining the same bloody standard would be a good place to start!
I don't care if guys handle their penises from the time they start to potty train so that they're aware of these sensations. And I don't care that there's a biological need to expel semen from their bodies. God happened to create a natural way for this to happen. (Hm...God gave us sexual bodies and a way to actually avoid temptation? No way!)
You would think that one of these days the double standard applied to the human species would be lifted.
Have sex! Have lots of sex! After all, you're MEN. You're horny, and that's normal! So go hump something! Heck, go hump LOTS of things!
You are either a virgin or a whore. Sorry, there's no middle ground. Oh, and since you're such a vile creature, we'll just circumcise you to get rid of those evil desires...*cut, snick, stitch* Yep, no room for sexual pleasure now!
To put it bluntly: what the hell?!
I'm sorry, but I'm sick of this hypocrisy. Either it's wrong for everyone, or it's fine for everyone. I don't see this as a grey issue between the genders. Oh, and before I receive the hate mail from guys complaining that I "just don't know what it's like," I would like to agree. It's true. I'm not a male. But that doesn't mean that I don't have sexual urges or temptations of other kinds that are equally hard to evade. I don't believe that guys have the monopoly on temptation.
In the meantime, if you can't give a darn good answer to this issue, keep your hands away from your genitals.
You're killing me!
Hey! So after seeing all your comments on gracky's site I thought I'd check yours out, just for fun. ;) And an excellent topic you have here. ;) I've actually debated this a little with gracky, as it seems to me that the double standard has *poof* disappeared in the last 5 or so years. Now EVERYone is supposed to have sex, and lots of it. And maturbation, please, the message the media sends is that you are a cold-hearted weirdo if you don't.
It is possible that this shift in my perception of what the world was saying came when I stopped listening just to the church and broadened out the voices I listened to. It is also possible that, at the moment at least, my opinion is quite colored by the fact that I'm in england living with college kids, where the only pariahs are the virgins and the only freaks are those who don't mastubate. Male and female alike. In fact the girls seem to get more action, and be free-er (is that not a word?) to act than the boys.
I have heard the church address it, several times, and the range has been from condemnation to all to freedom to all, including opinions in between about men and women specifically. Seems to me this is yet another issue that goes back to the reading of the bible, and what it is to avoid sexual impurity and to honor the temple of the holy spirit. Seems to me lately that everything comes down to how exactly it is that we read the bible. ;) As to the issue itself, I don't think its wrong. For men or for women.
And there my two cents (/I don't know when to shut up sometimes) worth.
b :)
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