my thoughts' coffeeflet

a sort of kludgy lodging place for my life

Saturday, March 24, 2007

RA-ness (see also: flipping out!!!! [but in a GOOD way])

We went on our RA retreat this weekend and...OHMYGOODNESS!!!! It was so incredibly amazing! I was excited to be an RA before, but now that I know what floor I'll be on (600), who my brother floor RA will be (David), and have gotten a better feel for the position, I'm so stoked!!!! The stokage could also be from hanging out with Steen and Maggie after getting back, but I'm still really, really, really, REALLY looking forward to next year!!


Okay, on a slightly more serious note, I was completely blown away by God this weekend. I had some qualms about some of the RAs chosen--including myself!--but after getting to know them better, hearing their hearts, and getting to talk out our visions for the floors next year, any doubts that I had are completely gone. I know that this team of RAs is going to be very strong and that we're going to have such a blast next year!

(And, for all you "I shall rain on your RA parade" people out there, don't. If you have anything negative to say, or cautionary warnings, I don't want to hear about it. Thanks!)

I'm a little overwhelmed by the amount of planning I need to get done and by the very short amount of time I'll have to move in to the floor and get settled before all the new students come for orientation. Oh the planning. Yowsers! But I have some ideas for floor themes already. I've been thinking about theme ideas since Thanksgiving, when I still wasn't positive about applying. Pray that God gives me a more specific plan for the floor--I could really use a lot more guidance in this!

I know that the next year or so of my life is going to stretch me a lot. Oh much! This summer, this coming school year, it's going to be a challenge. And for once, I'm looking forward to it. I'm excited to grow and stretch and learn and pass that on to those around me! People, I get to HELP people! I get to! I have that opportunity and privilege and I feel so blessed and honored. (And nervous and scared too!) But mostly, *girly squeal* I'm just so excited!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol. :) I am super excited FOR you. :) I ALMOST want to be in the dorms just to be on your floor...:) Actually I was thinking today whether I should, in order to better speak in to the lives of underclassmen...but its so expensive, and then there is the food...meh. we'll see. :)

10:49 PM  

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