my thoughts' coffeeflet

a sort of kludgy lodging place for my life

Saturday, December 09, 2006

hold on for the ride!

This will be something of a lengthy post as I haven't really said much that's been worth anything in the past few days. So here's the big stuff, hopefully in condensed form for the benefit of my readers. (Have I mentioned lately that I love you guys? You make my blogging worthwhile. :) )

1) Last night was our first of two Christmas concerts here at NU. Went well. We received a standing ovation and pretty thunderous applause at the end of the final piece. (Rutter's "Gloria.") Today at 3pm we have our second concert. Problem: my throat is sore, either from oversinging--I tend to get way into concerts and I strain my voice b/c well, I'm not the best singer and I don't always sing properly. *shame*--or from potential sickness.

2) I think I might be getting sick as this morning I kept waking up and trying--mostly unsuccessfully--to fall back asleep. I got up originally at about 8:30am, I think. I tried to go back to sleep and managed to doze some, but I had a horrible headache, my throat was (and is) sore, and I felt alternately torrid and frigid in bed. So...again, maybe I'm getting sick and that was a fever kicking in? My headache is now gone--took meds--and I hope the other sickness thing goes as well--took airborne. Also, my neck has been itching all week. I either have allergies, stress, or both. *mini freak out*

3) In less than a week, I shall be returning to Africa. (insha'allah) My tickets are for 12:40pm next Friday, and my passport came back yesterday in the mail--complete with Chadian visa and immunization card firmly stapled into it. (When did they start stapling the yellow card in the passports?!) Tomorrow, again insha'allah, my parents will be flying out. My mom sent me a text message yesterday morning saying that it looked likely that "this time" they'll be flying out. Makes me happy. :)

4) I still have a lot of papers to complete. In fact, here's what I have left to do before I fly out next Friday: a) finish my missions paper, b) finish my world masterpieces take home exam(s), c) write final world masterpieces paper, d) write lit crit final paper (gulp), e) write women writers final paper (double gulp), f) take missions final, g) go to counseling appointment Tuesday, h) get car over to Port Orchard for the break, i) pick up mail to bring overseas for parental units, j) pack for trip overseas, k) get room organized before break so that I am not fined beaucoup bucks, and l) organize final details on how to get to airport next Friday.

PLEASE: pray for me!

PS. Is anyone else worried that I went through about half the alphabet before I finished my "to do" list? Or is it just me...?


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