my thoughts' coffeeflet

a sort of kludgy lodging place for my life

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

two things

Two things guys will never understand about girls: fat/skinny jeans and pretty underwear.

Every girl will have at least two pairs of jeans. One will be "fat" jeans, and the other will be "skinny" jeans. Unbeknownst to most guys, girls' weights fluctuate throughout the month, regardless of diet and exercise. Call it female side effects, but it sucks. So every girl will have a pair of jeans that she wears only on certain days of the month when she seems to have gained pounds in certain areas, seemingly overnight. Skinny jeans are feel good jeans. These are the jeans that girls turn to when they are feeling good about themselves. As for me, I have more fat jeans than skinny jeans, but maybe that's changing...

And the underwear thing. Guys simply don't understand why girls buy pretty underwear. To them, they usually can't get past the seductive properties of cute underthings. (I can't really blame them.) But a girl's underwear does much more than keep her together or to help seduce her man. Underwear for girls is like a power tie for guys. It can make a girl feel pretty, flirty, sexy, plain jane, athletic, spunky, moody, etc. It does a lot. Really, a pretty set of undergarments can make all the difference. I doubted this until just today, actually. Now, I know different. That's the dealio on jeans and undies.

And I had a weird dream this morning. Some weirdness concerning dating and past dating that never truly existed. Odd. I don't know where it came from, but it was strange. I had to ask my mom about it b/c this one character in the dream seemed so real that I could have sworn I knew him in real life. Bizarre!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think I have two different sized jeans. I just deal with them being tight at a certain time of month...

6:23 PM  
Blogger grackyfrogg said...

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7:57 PM  
Blogger grackyfrogg said...

i have two pairs of jeans. one of them i wear all the time. the other i wear when absolutely every other option is dirty and/or in need of ironing.

that second pair is my "skinny" jeans. i NEVER feel good enough to wear them. i don't even know why i HAVE them, to tell the truth.

masochism, i'm guessing.

7:58 PM  

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