j'ai sommeil
Hier soir, j'ai dormi a peu pres de dix heures, mais j'ai encore du sommeil. Pourquoi?! Peut etre c'est a cause de la plenitude de dodo j'ai eu ce weekend.
Screw that. I'm not going to try blogging in French. My mind is not going to function and if anyone who actually spoke French stumbled upon this blog, he/she would laugh his/her guts out at the pidgen French I am attempting to blog. So meh.
In other news, I wish I knew flamenco. Or tap. Or any kind of rhythmic dance, really. It would be such fun to know a dance well enough to be able to randomly throw myself into it someday, regardless of who was around. Oh the fun I could have with that. Oh the toes I could tread on in administration...
EDIT at 3:43pm: It's strange that even a memory of having to say goodbye can bring such melancholy. I felt like I was saying goodbye all over again. Why? I don't want to have sadness today, not when the weather is gorgeous and I am finally feeling like the cold is getting kicked in the butt. Hmph. Silly emotions that hurt. Blast.
EDIT at 6:33pm: Hooray for being done with work. I don't think I could have taken anymore book pricing and labeling today. The last section I did was a nursing class that required 12 books. That's right, TWELVE. Sadistic nazi teacher. (Who I'm told is actually very nice.) So glad I'm not a nursing major! The most annoying part about that was that she hadn't turned in her textbook requisitions on time, so I had to hand write all of the labels instead of just filling in the price. Oi. headache.
Now I'm in my room, trying to recuperate from work. I need a little down time before I tackle the various projects before me. 1) finish unpacking from AK (I know it's a little late to be doing that...) 2) clean room 3) do laundry 4) wash dishes 5) do research for Ramadan article 6) go to bed. We'll see if I get all of this done. :)
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