my thoughts' coffeeflet

a sort of kludgy lodging place for my life

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Nature Girl

Okay, so I didn't spend that much time outdoors today, but it was delightul nonetheless. In fact, I feel Vitamin D positively oozing from my pores as I type. That's always a good sign. Another good sign: I'm hungry. There are actual rumblings in my tummy requiring me to feed them. That ought to mean that I'm feeling better.

But back to the outdoors. I dragged my sorry carcass from my bed around three-ish, then took a shower. Showering also helps a person feel better. Go figure, hygiene=health. After that, I felt like going outside and enjoying the glorious weather. So I did. I first went to a cherry tree in the middle of campus, climbed that, and read for awhile. But it wasn't a very perchable tree, and if I'm not fully comfortable, I can't focus on what I'm reading.

I left the tree after awhile and went further up campus to the stream. That looked beautiful today, so I found a spot in the shade that still had enough sunlight to stay warm, and reclined there. Perfect! There was a thick mossy cushion under the grass, and there was enough sunlight to be warm, enough shade to keep from being burned, and I almost wished I had someone to share it with. Almost. Sometimes, it's just as well to enjoy God's creation without others around, especially when it becomes an emotional/spiritual enjoyment. Sometimes having people around just spoils it. Sometimes. (Boy, if that doesn't sound like I took a stand...ha.)

I'm feeling sleepy again, but I think I'll fight the urge to sleep for another three or four hours. Then it shouldn't interfere with my regular sleep schedule and I ought to be well rested for work tomorrow.


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