bangs: I have 'em
For the first time since I was two years old, I have bangs. When I asked my mom to cut my hair, I was thinking longish side bangs that would more or less frame my face. The result wasn't quite what I'd anticipated, and I was near to crying, but it's just hair. I figured it'd grow back eventually, and hey, if nothing else, it's blogging material. (Fascinating how any scenario--no matter how bad--immediately has a positive light cast upon it when I consider the blogging possibilities. It can very much make my day.)
Anyhow, upon returning to NU, I talked with a few friends and was expressing how I didn't really like the bangs. They all thought it looked fine. Well, even so, I wanted to get ideas on what to do with them. This ended up with a new hair trim that has really created bangs. Like Anne Hathaway from Devil Wears Prada bangs. The real deal, all "mod" and crazy like. I believe I shall post a picture to demonstrate.
Again, still getting used to them, but people keep telling me they're cute. I don't know if the whole world has been drugged, or if I'm just overly picky about my hair. I recognize the cuteness factor, but it's just a huge shock to look in the mirror and see my bangs. For goodness' sake, where'd my forehead go? And my eyebrows that are a cross between Groucho Marx and Brooke Shields? They've spontaneously vanished! This is just nuts.
Hottness, thy name is Bethany...
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