my thoughts' coffeeflet

a sort of kludgy lodging place for my life

Sunday, August 20, 2006


I got myself into some mischief today, but I don't want to fully discuss it because should this blog fall into the wrong hands, I will find myself in trouble. I didn't break any laws or school policies today, so that's not the big deal. Anyhow, it's halfway hilarious and halfway "Oh crap, what have I done?" The snowball is rolling and unless something is done to rectify the situation, I'm afraid myself and possibly others might get buried in the avalanche.

Similar lines, but not quite the same, I am writing for two different papers. Sort of. I recently wrote an article for the school newspaper which, pending approval, might be published. I haven't heard back from the editor, so I have no clue. If, for some reason, the article is not approved, I shall fully swing to the opposite spectrum and be rightfully angry and bitter against the censorship on campus. (Hence the other paper.) The other paper is called Cursive Magazine and is located on myspace so as to prevent censorship. As yet, the internet equals freedom for many individuals--check out this blog--and as such has its benefits. The other article I'm in the midst of researching/writing is about Ramadan which will occur the end of September through the end of October. (More on this later.)

The thing is, with me writing for these two papers, I find myself somewhat between a rock and a hard place. The editors of these respective papers do not see eye to eye. In fact, the creator of Cursive used to be the Talon editor. There's a bit of bad blood now. The thing is, I have no problems with either of these editors and, as yet, do not see anything atrociously wrong with either of them. (Being friends with pseudo-enemies can be weird.) Am I juggling fire/knives/chainsaws/porcupines by doing this? It won't be long before both parties catch on that I'm writing for both, but I don't think that's really a bad thing. I see the validity in both papers and I think they are suited for two separate audiences.

Like the mischief situation, I'm going to hold onto my cards and see how best to play them.


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